Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan?


Good afternoon.

Today I will write to the topic that is not traditional for me - poultry farming. Today there will be nothing about Smart, nor about chip tuning, nor what is associated with cars.

Today I will tell about the experiment, which was spent with my wife. The essence of the experiment is that it is to check whether chickens from quail eggs purchased in the network store can be removed.

A little theory - quail the bird is unpretentious, but they have such a feature: what would they rush to keep together girls and boys, so the majority of eggs will be fertilized. This is the difference from chicken eggs. Chickens are kept separate from the roosters, because purchased eggs will not be fertilized.

Now, by the essence, we go to Auchan and buy eggs there. Bought 3 egg packaging, 2 to 20 and 1 to 10. Chose based on the shelf life than the fresh, the better.

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

About 10 eggs were discarded - they were chips, or they were cracked. In smart books they write that it is necessary to look at the eggs on the lumen, in order to see the embryo. But in these eggs it was not possible to see anything, as they were spotted.

After rejection, load them into the incubator. In our case, this is the Incubator "Cinderella", bought as a gift the mother-in-law for a little more than 4 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

We lay eggs into it, set the temperature. In this incubator, the temperature has to be arranged manually, in more advanced there is automatic temperature control depending on the day. But there is an automatic turn of eggs.

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

Then there was a taking wait in 3 weeks. Wife made bets, which will be displayed 3-5 eggs.

But the reality was different, in the evening of March 27 from the incubator, the hospital began to be commemorated, the chicks began to be output. Here the first chicken was only taken out, did not even have time to dry.

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

From the first hours of life, he is already starting to crawl through the incubator. We leave it to an hour in the incubator, after which, a bit of a dry chicken is transferred to a box where he is heated. After 4 hours he already looks like

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

And the next day already

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

but the eggs of which appeared chicks appear

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

By the next morning we already had 19 chicks.

But, somewhere, a quarter of chicks were defective - they could not stand. My legs were spread in different directions and they crawled on a belly. It is called "helicopters" such purses. I had to repair them. For this, a woolen thread tied their paws that would bring them together. It didn't like it to chickens, but the next day they all stood on their feet.

On the video, the wife is trying to find a common language with chickens.

Chickens are all very active. The day from the 4th has already begun jumping and trying to take off, despite the still uninterrupted wings. But when they navigated slept without the rear legs)

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

After 3 days after the withdrawal, I had a question: how much newborn chicken weigh? For some reason I thought that Gram 25, but it turned out that it weighs only 8-9 grams! I had to look for scales, but for no hope, how to make the active chicken sit on the scales? A wine glass came to the rescue, such a turn chicken clearly did not expect.

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

At the moment (after 2 weeks), only one chicken for incomprehensible reasons died. Found it in the box in the morning. Another chicken managed to smear the paw in the box. From a week is a disabled person, its fate is not yet clear.

Now all the birds have already changed almost all the fluff on feathers. Sizes like sparrow

Is it possible to grow quails from eggs purchased in Auchan? Quail, incubator, birds, video, long, positive

On the next weekend, all chicks will go to live to the mother-in-law, to a country house.

As a result, the conclusion from purchased eggs amounted to about 50%. I think if there were eggs fresher, you could achieve big results.

That's all, thanks for your attention!

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