Little tricks that the Internet still does not know


Thanks to the Internet, we know many tricks and tricks that make everyday worries make life easier. But there were still those who have not reached our gadgets.

We decided to fix it and collected the simplest and brilliant of them.

# 1. Tension a trash package on a feline tray and pour filler. Cleaning the tray will be easier

Small tricks that Internet-0 still do not know

# 2. If the plaster is not at hand, cut out a piece of gasket and stick it to shoes to prevent rubbing

Small tricks that Internet-1 still do not know

№ 3. In order for the toilet nicely smelled, drop a couple of droplets of essential oil with a favorite aroma on the inside of the toilet paper bushings

Small tricks that Internet-2 do not know about

№ 4. So that during cleaning it smelled not dust, but freshness, plump a little washing powder in a dust bag

Small tricks that Internet-3 still do not know

Important. This Council is not suitable for people suffering from allergies and problems with light.

No. 5. To get a universal seasoning, mix salt, pepper, paprika and curry. This mixture can be added everywhere.

Small tricks that Internet-4 still do not know

No. 6. Glue from the stickers is perfectly washed over a few seconds by two-phase milking liquid for removing makeup

Little tricks that Internet-5 still do not know

№ 7. Perfumery strips from the store can be put in pile of clean clothes so that it is nice smelled

Small tricks that Internet-6 do not know about

Number 8. If there is no possibility to take a shower, you can clean the skin with gel for disinfection of hands and re-apply deodorant

Little tricks that Internet-7 do not know about

№ 9. Put a handful of spices in the sink and wash the hot water so that there is a pleasant smell in the kitchen. The best option

Small tricks that Internet-8 still do not know

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