About "things that can not wear anyone." Our rules



"Top things that can not be worn after 30", "you can not wear on a date", "you need to ban people with a non-ideal figure", "you need to throw out from the closet in 2018", "do not like men" - hey, are you serious? Do you really think that someone from the Internet has the right to decide what you should wear, and what not?


Things can not wear, you can only wear. On this, perhaps, with constraints.

Here is our list of rules that works great, even if you are important to wear and what to look, even if you think over your style and even if you like to look cool - just because the prohibitions do not help, but the correct answer for everyone.

So let's go!

one. You can wear everything (except, probably, the Nazi form and that there is still forbidden to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) - even leggings on the amount of size 54, even unmodic Measure the ideal) legs, even fixed studs and decollete at the same time. In general, everything you want.


2. All that we wear and how we wear it, we want it or not, talking about us : About our character, prosperity, tastes, beliefs, age, social status and many other things. Sometimes it says very clearly and understandable, sometimes with interference, sometimes not what I would like. Do these messages manage and try to correct them (find your special style, look "expensive," look younger, look older and whatever else) - or score - everyone's personal matter. In the same way as learning a foreign language, go to speech courses and master other ways to communicate. Ultimately, style is about that with the help of clothes (hairstyles and makeup) without words to say who you are. This can be used - or not. This is your business and your responsibility.


3. Nobody must be fashionable , it's not a scale "better-worse, fashionable-old-fashioned". Someone is interesting (and cool), someone is more interesting fishing and drawing. Yes, fashion is about Zeitgeist and skill to catch the spirit of time, sometimes it is very important, but it is not a fact that you personally need it in your life. Perhaps you have other values ​​and interests, and the ability to burn babushkina pies or know everything about the Hett language in your case is more important than to demonstrate your modernity.


four. Dressed (and in general look) so to like everyone - and grandmother at the entrance, and men of all kinds - from migrant workers from the neighboring construction to Hipster Barmen, and the boss, and the boss, and colleagues, and partners, and friends, and people in line at the cashier in Auchan - unrealistic , you can not even try. For some, you will always be dressed well, and for someone - something is something wrong. Blessed Those who do not care.


5. "Feminine", "Like Men" is an even more slippery topic, which is often replaced by fashion and style. Men in the world - about 3.5 billion. Like everyone - Miscellaneous. If you want to influence any one of them (or on a certain group) with the help of clothes - God's sake. If I do not want - then also on health, out of 3.5 billion, there are certainly a para-triple, which will be appreciated by the pants with waters, and uggs, and at least Kandibober, and you will understand that you are the same. (This is not even started to talk about the inner world, love each other as we are, and that's all it). The main thing, not to keep yourself and other brains with conviction that you need to please all 3.5 billion immediately And throw out your favorite uggs. Pff.


6. In different cities and countries, the understanding of the style, the intensity and boundaries of an acceptable can be different. Somewhere to walk in slippers and shorts, somewhere without a small black dress, it is uncomfortable, somewhere we are fashionable, somewhere dress conservatively, somewhere dressing together who is much. Just look around and decide what you like.


7. Much more important - in terms of socialization - look in accordance with the values ​​of his reference group, people whose opinion is important for you to whom you would like to demonstrate generality . And this is the feeling of comfort in this group (a group can be a class, and a company, and even one one) sometimes it is worth adjusting your style. Somewhere to buy ugly sneakers, and somewhere - a dress-case and a bag of Furla. And look "your" / "His", and feel the same way. And sometimes - not worth it. Perhaps a suitable company will be selected by itself on the basis of general ideas about beautiful and love for wide pants / priests / feminine dresses.


8. Ultimately Fashion, understanding of trends, color steels, optical illusions, balance of silhouettes, combination of colors and styles is just a tool . They can use and try to create a certain impression, tell about themselves, transfer the message. You can not use, but to study as a language from scientific interest, but to remain a fan. And you can score and go fishing. This is all legitimate.


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