A familiar shoemaker issued a secret how to save shoes and legs from an unpleasant smell


A familiar shoemaker issued a secret how to save shoes and legs from an unpleasant smell

It is believed that the unpleasant smell of shoes appears due to sweating of the legs, but the sweat itself, which causes inconvenience itself, does not. The annoying "aromas" are formed when sweat joined the reaction with the bacteria environs. To a greater extent, this effect is subject to shoes from an artificial material - it breathes worse than the leather, air circulation is difficult, as a result, the bacteria is bootying throughout the day in its own juice, boring that the most unpleasant smell.

A familiar shoemaker issued a secret how to save shoes and legs from an unpleasant smell

If the situation is close and understandable to you, you should not despair. We will tell you how to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the shoes using a variety of ways: these are folk trucks, standing penny, but efficiently valid (all of them will be estimated on a five-point scale), and special finished means - ointments and sprays to prevent sweating of legs, And other preventive measures available for acquisition in any shoe store - that is, prevention measures. With them and start!

Prevention measures

We apologize for the announcement of the capital's truth, but it is much more difficult to get rid of stumble smells than try to prevent their appearance. Personal hygiene in this row is in the first place. But often there are situations when a person is forced to spend all day on her legs, without removing the shoe, or, as in the case of athletes, driving hard and sweating from the legs to the head.

Avoid the appearance of aromas from the shoes will help removing insoles - in the evening they came, pulled them out, were postponed, and in shoes (after drying and venting) put a new layer. Perforated insoles act especially well.

If you know that your legs are prone to sweating and that you have a long workout or working day on your feet, capture a couple of socks on shift. And choose this accessory better than their cotton fabric.

How to save shoes from an unpleasant smell - Folk Lifehaki

A familiar shoemaker issued a secret how to save shoes and legs from an unpleasant smell

Hydrogen peroxide. Powerful tool for combating bacteria that does not have its own smell. How to delete with it: to impregnate your cotton disk and wipe or sprinkle directly inside the shoes. If you have been tightly, remove the napkin. Leave one day.

Estimation of a 5-point scale: on 5! Risks: Some fabrics can discolored under the action of hydrogen peroxide!

Baking soda . Excellent absorbent to remove unpleasant smell from shoes - there is a country in any kitchen. How to save shoes from it? Pour soda into the boot in the amount so that it is for a smooth layer in the sole, the walls and the top of the shoes. How and when to remove soda from shoes? Easier simple - vacuum cleaner in a day!

Assessment of the method on a 5-point scale: on 4! The principle of absorbing is faithful and good, but it will not be able to eliminate the problem globally, leaving all the same splash. But if the situation is launched not much, the method will work.

Male harsh method: alcohol . Establish shoes from smell will have to two rapid approach. At the first stage, wipe the inner space moistened in the alcohol with a cotton disk. On the second - the woven disk impregnated with alcohol to lay in the shoe sock - it is there that the rags of bacteria is located. Keep up to complete disk drying. If the case is complex - repeat the procedure.

Assessment of the method on a 5-point scale: on 4! Do not think that the assessment is caused by pity for the use of alcohol in this way. Objectively - elimination of unpleasant smell from shoes will not fully happen, the residual aroma will still remain.

Foreignness for 12-24 hours. Often the recommended method - at low temperatures, the bacteria dies, but its minus in its seasonality. The output is found in the freezer, putting the cleaned shoes in it, wrapped in the package. Exception: rubber and lacquered shoes.

Assessment of the method on a 5-point scale: for 3-! It is possible to remove the unpleasant smell in this way, only if it is completely light. Plus, if not winter, then - freezer, products and ... shoes? Few people will decide on such an incorrect elimination towards future food. The accompanying inconvenience will also appear in the form of condensate, which will still need to dry - wearing water shoes are unpleasant and unsafe for health.

Packages with green tea . Another absorbent this time with a pleasant aroma. How to bring an unpleasant smell from shoes with it? Put inside 2-3 dry tea bags, leave one day.

Assessment of the method on a 5-point scale: on 2! Despite the frequent mention of this method, it does not cope with the task set before him - life will be more accurate. Tea bags will rather answer the question "How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of new shoes?"

How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of legs and shoes

As it was above, the reason for the unpleasant smell of the legs is a sweat that comes into contact with bacteria and microbes. Conclusion is simple: preventive measures against sweating and bacteria. Based on the general practice, the councils of specialists and reviews on the net (where without personal experience of many people), you can allocate the following funds that have proven themselves perfectly:

For legs:

Pasta Teymurova

Nepical Cream

Deodorant deocontrol Sport


Antiseptics for processing shoes for the purpose of disinfection fungus:


Chlorhexidine 1%



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