"Power window": a phenomenon that makes you lose weight!


Stop limit yourself in the choice of products, do not be afraid to eat a piece of your favorite chocolate and stop scolding your husband for brings homeshew while you are on a diet! Learn how to eat everything and lose weight.

How many times did you say that it is necessary to give up for weight loss to give up your favorite tastes and 5 times a day there is fresh chicken breast with lettuce and buckwheat? If one thought about the rocking chair 4 times a week and the "tasteless life" puts the cross even at the worship of Lose weight, you certainly need to read this article.

Japanese scientist Yosinori Osumi came to the aid of women of the entire planet. He managed to open the principle of nutrition, for which the man received the Nobel Medicine Prize. His work is devoted to the study of Autophagia. This is a process that occurs in our body when we are starving for some time: cells completely recycle all old unnecessary accumulations and rejuvenate.

What is a "power window"

To launch the process of weight loss, rejuvenation and improving the body, you should find out what the "power window" is and how it affects us. This time between the first and the last our meal for the day. If you have breakfast at 8:00, and you have a dinner at 20:00, your power window opens by as much as 12 hours.

According to studies conducted in 2017, the power window must stretch for no more than 6-8 hours. Such an interval reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity

To confirm his hypothesis, scientists decided to conduct an experiment in which 4 groups of people participated. Based on the familiar diet of the participants in the experiment, the researchers accounted for each menu to the same calorie. The first group was ate for 12 hours, the second - 8, the power window of the third group was narrowed to 6 hours, and the fourth is only up to four.

The results showed that the narrowing of the power window is the key to slimming: the main part of the process of fat burning occurs at night, the sense of hunger is dull, the metabolic flexibility increases and the amount of energy consumed is reduced.

The reduction in the power window has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: the risk of developing skin cancer and chest decreases, the processes of aging are slowed down, blood pressure is reduced, the operation of the cardiovascular system is normalized and disassembled.

Supply the power window also needs competently. To do this, you need to choose the right time, considering the circadian rhythms of the body. It is best to open the power window in the morning when the hormone is released called "Cortizol". It was then that we feel the most energetic and want to eat.

In the evening, on the contrary, it is undesirable, because melatonin is thrown out in the evening. The body begins to prepare for sleep, and the digestion slows down. Late dinner provokes morning powerlessness, increases the risk of developing diabetes, obesity and depression.

To adapt to the correct time frame, follow these basic rules:

- wake up at 6-7 in the morning;

- breakfast no earlier than 30-60 minutes after lifting;

- Calculate time so that the working day starts 2-3 hours after waking up;

- Tightly breakfast;

- Reduce the power window to 6-8 hours, without discarding anything of the usual diet.

An interesting fact: most of all we want to eat at 8:00, 13:00 and 19:00. If you decide to narrow the window of the power and not after 16: 00-17: 00, do not refuse your arrival after the first request of the body to eat. You can drink tea, kefir or water and wait 2 hours. After this period of time, the feeling of hunger is dulled.

Yoshinori Osumi says that after 7-14 days your body will get used to such a rhythm of life and nutrition. In the morning you will feel the tide of cheerfulness and get rid of evening hunger tides.

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