How to paint eggs tea carcade


how to paint eggs in the onion husk
Painting eggs is one of the most cute and pleasant Easter memories Our childhood. Although many families are just one way - the painting of eggs with the help of onion husks.

How to paint eggs

How to paint eggs with your own hands

However, modern hosts are large fidelners and experimenters. They sometimes come up with such ways to paint, which no one will come to mind. And today we will share with you one of these Unusual ways.

how to paint eggs for easter

Of course, it is very important to paint eggs only Natural means . The more natural, the better! Have you tried to paint eggs with tea carcade?

how to paint eggs beet

It is very simple, and the result comes out very unpredictable, but in general is beautiful. Great and that every egg will differ from others.

how to paint eggs nettle


  • Boiled eggs (white)
  • hibiscus tea
  • water
  • vinegar

how to paint eggs bun


  1. Mound into a deep saucepan tea and pouring it with steep boiling water, after that pour a bit of vinegar (1 tsp. L) and mix.

    how to paint eggs in the onion husk

  2. Challenge tea and put the eggs in the saucepan. You can put eggs and in non-frozen tea, then there will be beautiful divorces on them.

    how to paint eggs acrylic paints

  3. And now - the most interesting! Depending on how saturated color you want to get in the end, so long and you need to keep eggs in the solution.

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  4. The longer you hold the eggs in tea, especially saturated blue color you get. Now you know about how to paint eggs for easter do it yourself Yes, and so original.

how to paint eggs beet

What else is there Ways to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands ? You can paint eggs tea, natural dyes, with onion husks, beets or nettle.

How easy it is possible Beautifully paint eggs with your own hands . Who would have thought that this could be done by ordinary tea?

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