Non-standard use of flour


Previously, the expression was popular: "Flour is not flour, and without flour flour." But the truth is, in the farm without this product can not do. However, it happens that the flour spoiled, for example, expired. And throw out something sorry.

We are interested in the question, is it possible to find the use of such a flour. Prepare from such a product is undesirable, but you should not send it in advance in the garbage bucket. Flour can be used for modeling, polishing, struggle against pests of plants and even as a cosmetic.

Muravyev's refive

Non-standard use of flour
If insects appeared at home, including ants to scare them, you need to pour a path from flour in those places where they were noticed. Insects do not like the taste, nor powdered texture of the product. Most likely, they will not cross this border. However, it is still recommended to use special means.

Against plant pests

Non-standard use of flour

If the indoor or soil plant struck the soap or small bugs, which eat the leaves, the flour will help. The crumbly flour texture makes it so useful in the fight against pests. It is enough to sprinkle a plant with a thin layer to the complete disappearance of insects. This method of applying flour is considered among the gardeners and gardens quite popular.

Playing cards planted

Non-standard use of flour

Your favorite deck of playing cards was worn out, and new people were not so successful? You can clean the coverage of proven cards with ordinary flour. To update the deck of loved ones, but battered playing cards, place them in a cellophane package with flour and shake well. Then, if necessary, wipe with a cloth. Flour will absorb moisture, hasty residues and dirt.

Problem skin

Non-standard use of flour

Skin problems may occur due to a variety of factors, including due to the use of certain foods or incorrect departure. In modern cosmetology, the main reason is considered to violate the function of the sebaceous glands. However, no one suggests that the methods of traditional medicine will be ineffective.

If you discovered a new pimple so that it does not develop further, it can be addicted to the paste of flour and honey. Apply a paste point to a problem area, close the plaster and leave for a while.

Polishing Metals

Non-standard use of flour

To give the product from steel shine for a long time, after you just cleaned it, soda the flour surface. Only first to wipe dry. This product is useful for processing copper products. Take an equal amount of flour, salt, a bit of vinegar. It turns out a wonderful cleaning agent. Apply the resulting paste on the copper surface and leave for some time. After that, wash the warm water and wipe dry.

For children's crafts

Non-standard use of flour

Children's dough, clay and even plasticine - all this can be done in the home of the basis of flour. For example, to prepare the dough for children's games, the flour and baby oil will need. On 4 cups of flour, the oil is half a cup. Embosse a good dough - it is ready. Thanks to the dough modeling, children develop a small motorcy.

To make a clay for modeling, you will need 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, a quarter of a glass of salt and a pair of tablespoons of vegetable oil. For brightness, you can add a food dye. Next, we need to make a homogeneous mass. If you want to keep the product, it can be baked in the oven for about an hour. And for the consistency of plasticine, you need to take a little more flour and less water.

Make glue

Non-standard use of flour

But really, you can make glue or hubbell from flour. It is perfect for children's crafts. Mix in a saucepan in the same proportion of flour and water, on medium heat, stirring, bring to a boil. After that cool and use. Such glue can be used in Papier-Masha technique.

Unripe fruit

Non-standard use of flour

Checked: If you do not quite ripe avocado in a package with flour per day, it will divert. A similar operation can be checked with a peach, tomato and many other fruits and vegetables, which are long stored on store shelves and rushing it there.

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