Sunflower oil is a product that can be proud of!


Sunflower oil is a product that can be proud of!
Sunflower oil is a product that can be proud of!

Sunflower, sunflower oil (Helianthus Annus)

Sunflower, sunflower oil - antioxidant, rich source of vitamin E. Sunflower, sunflower oil enriches the skin with nutrients and vitamins. Sunflower oil Natural humidifier, softens the skin, affordable and inexpensive oil for homemade beauty recipes

The birthplace of sunflower is North America. Peter I was brought to Russia from Holland after the plant went around many countries and turned out to be in Europe. He was called "Indian Golden Flower", "The Grass of the Sun", "Peruvian Chrysanthemum". At this time in Europe, they learned to make sunflower oil. In Russia, the first oil cloy appeared in the village of Alekseyevka, after in 1829, the peasant Daniel Bokarev gathered the crop of seeds and treated them with a beast, having obtained oil. Soon Russia became one of the leading global manufacturers and exporters of sunflower oil.

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds. In the seeds of the sunflower contains up to 35% of oily oil. It is obtained by two methods - hot and cold pressing, while its properties and the composition are largely dependent on the method of obtaining it and have a wide range.

For medical purposes and diet foods, unrefined oil of higher grades are used. The cosmetology also use only refined varieties.

The properties of sunflower oil are also dependent on the genetic type of sunflower seeds.

Sunflower oil has a pleasant smell and taste, golden-amber color. Through at temperatures from minus 16 to 19 degrees, at room temperature it is liquid. This is rather fatty and dense vegetable oil.

The composition of the oil largely depends on the climate and the conditions for its cultivation, changing over wide limits. Sunflower oil contains acids - stearin, palmitic, mineistine, arachinovoy, oleic, linoleum, linolen, of which the percentage of linoleic acid is 48-74%. In addition, it includes phosphorus-containing substances, tocopherol, waxes, vitamins, vitamins A , In, d, e, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fittings.

Sunflower oil is characterized by a high content of vitamin E - natural antioxidant.

Sunflower oil - diet oil. The content of fats in sunflower oil, which is used in cooking, is the lowest compared to other oils. After it, soy oil, olive oil, foam oil and butter are coming. Sunflower oil is beneficial for health, due to the low content of fats and high content of vitamin E.

Typically, two types of oil are used in food - with a high content of linological acid and with its average content. Sunflower oil retains food fresh for a longer period than it would be preserved without it, thanks to its antioxidant properties. It retains its properties even at a very high temperature. Many manufacturers of Fast Fuda moved to the use of sunflower oil in the preparation of their products.

From sunflower oil produced margarine and culinary fats, it is used in the manufacture of canned, as well as in soap.

The shelf life of sunflower oil is usually 3-6 months. It is very unstable, it is necessary to store it in a tightly closed dark container, after opening it is better to store in the refrigerator.

Sunflower oil is used in medicine for the treatment of dental pain, chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, lungs, thrombophlebitis. It is used as the basis for the preparation of oil solutions of patches and ointments.

Vegetable oils (except cedar) - olive, sunflower, soybean, sesame - according to its healing properties of interchangeable. In this case, sunflower is the most affordable in all respects oil. In this regard, it is widely used in the home recipes of beauty and cosmetics as a carrier of beneficial substances and as an independent valuable component.

Sunflower oil has many useful properties and contains in abundance of vitamins A, D and E. Unfortunately, many underestimate the favor of sunflower oil, preferring to him, completely in vain, olive, almond, sesame. In sunflower oil, more valuable elements than in many other oils. Vitamin E, for example, in sunflower oil is 12 times more than in olive.

Sunflower oil has antioxidant, antiseptic, nutrient, moisturizing, softening properties.

Sunflower oil is part of many cosmetic products - nutrient and moisturizing creams for face and hand, masks, lip balms, leg creams, nail and body oils, hair care products. Sunflower oil also serves as the basis for the manufacture of nutritional creams.

Sunflower oil is used in cosmetology due to

- antioxidant properties

Directly restores the structure of the cells, stimulates the growth of new, synthesize hormones and strengthens the immunity, due to polynatsectic acids contained in it. Updates cells, rejuvenates the structure of the skin.

Makes blood vessels more elastic, and skin is more resistant to ultraviolet and even radioactive radiation.

Improves blood circulation, contributes to the resorption of scars and scars, leveled the skin.

- nutritious and moisturizing properties

It prevents the loss of moisture to the skin, protects it from drying, makes elastic and elastic. He feeds deeply and moisturizes skin cells with all the wealth of their components.

Effective care for fading and dry skin, eliminates itching, peeling and irritation, dryness.

Oil molecules easily penetrate the skin cells and "deliver" the necessary food and vitamins there. Serves as a carrier for substances contained in plant extracts.

- antiseptic properties

Creates a protective barrier that protects even the prematched chest babies from infection. Studies have shown that kids whose skin was treated with sunflower oil, were much less susceptible to infections in hospitals.

- softening properties

Softens the skin, smoothes deep wrinkles, significantly reducing them, eliminates small wrinkles. The skin becomes smooth and velvety, shining from the inside. Treats cracks on lips, elbows and feet, softens the coarse areas of the skin.

Sunflower oil is perfect for hair care, especially fragile, dry, dehydrated. Oil mask nourishes the scalp and hair, restores their structure, moisturizes hair along the entire length, promotes the growth of new cells of the head of the head.

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