How to choose the right rosette for the apartment and for the cottage?


How to choose the right rosette for the apartment and for the cottage?
How to choose the right rosette for the apartment and for the cottage?

Of all the items of electrical equipment of our house, most often we

You have to face a socket. Without it just impossible to yourself

imagine no modern housing. On how

The socket will be mounted in your home, and whether it will be right

It is chosen, not only the aesthetics of the interior of your home will depend, but

also comfort and service life of the electrical appliances we

We use every day. And most importantly, your will depend on it

Personal safety, and security of your children.

The first thing to be guided when choosing a socket - it's theirs

specialization. Most often in our country, sockets are used with two

holes. The diameter of the reservoir of modern sockets is filled by one standard, but in household electrical appliances are often encountered forks that are not suitable for a modern outlet, since the old models have a hole diameter there are slightly smaller. Outlets that are used in other countries can be made with three plug holes.

Second what needs to be taken into account by buying a socket - this is how

The socket is mounted on the wall.

If the wiring is laid inside the wall, under the layer of plaster, then

The sockets are made in the nest specially prepared for this chain.

In this case, the inner model will fit you. Box outlet

Inserted into the nest, and the external case is mounted on the wall.

In the case when the wiring is laid on the surface, the socket is installed directly on the wall. To do this, you can use an external model.

It will be useful when choosing a socket, think about the degree of its secureness.

It will help to determine the marking that is present on each

Product. At the beginning of this labeling there are letters - IP, cut from words

"INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION". About the degree of security says the most First digit After IP characters

How to choose the right rosette for the apartment and for the cottage?

- if there is no "0" ahead - then there is no defense;

- "6" - means maximum protection. This model is dustproof.

The degree of security is determined depending on whether the value of which maximum size can get into the outlet.

Second digit marking indicates the degree of protection against exposure

The external environment is primarily moisture. In the case when there is a need

Setting the outlet in the cellar or in the basement, this figure

There must be no less than "6". Models with this indicator may

Provide protection even from a jet of water. The bathroom will be enough - "4". If the second digit after IP is "0", then this suggests that there is no protection against moisture.

How to choose the right rosette for the apartment and for the cottage?

When building a new house, it is better to stop your choice on sockets that are equipped with grounding, since according to modern electrical safety standards, household sockets must have grounding. Choose such a rosette is quite simple, three wires come out of its case.

How to choose the right rosette for the apartment and for the cottage?

Well, finally, choosing a rosette, it will be very useful to think about their

Aesthetics and design. It is best to select them with switches.

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