Dandelion jam: how to cook and what is useful


Prepare dandelion jam: two recipes for choice

Dandelion jam: Simple and complex recipes

Dandelion jam: how to cook and what is useful
Dandelion jam is a delicious amber delicacy, and in addition, also extraordinarily useful! How to prepare jam from dandelions, the benefits and harm of this product for the body - in today's article.

Oddly enough, but dandelions are not just cute spring flowers, but also a useful food product. Young leaves of the plant are devoid of bitterness, used in food as salads. Coffee is boiled from the roots. From the unseasured buds prepare honey, and the flowers go to fragrant wine from dandelions and fragrant jam.

Dandelion jam: how to cook and what is useful

Dandelion jam: benefit

Dandelion jam is unusually useful in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, urinary tract, as well as problems with light (asthma, bronchitis) and hematopoietic authorities (anemia).

Dandelion jam possesses antioxidant properties, removes slags from the body and is a prophylactic means when combating oncological diseases.

It is worth noting that in China, dandelions were used in the eldest in the ancient century, and today they are considered to be vegetable there. But in England, a delicious wine is prepared on the basis of dandelion flowers.

Dandelions Jam: Simple and Sophisticated Recipe © Depositphotos.com

Fascinated roots replace coffee, this property of dandelions used German soldiers during the two world wars.

Previously, the imaginary potion was prepared on the basis of jam from dandelions, because this dessert in the people is called "love jam".

We have prepared all the necessary information for you in order to cook dandelion jam. It is more reminding the whole spring ritual, it must be fun! Try!

Dandelions Jam: Simple and Sophisticated Recipe © Depositphotos.com

Dandelion jam: recipe №1

In both the first and second recipe, for the preparation of amber jam, you need to collect 360-400 Flowers of the May dandelion with a yellow head together with the cups, but without a stem. The collection of plants is best carried out on the forest lawn, along the shores of rivers, streams and lakes, away from roads, plants and plants at noon in a warm sunny day.

  • Flowers of slippers, bays with two glasses of cold water and boiling for two minutes.
  • On the colander, put a piece of pure gauze, swell on her dandelions and carefully sick.
  • In the pressed yellow water, rub seven glasses of sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  • Boil for seven minutes from the moment of boiling. Jam is ready. Spread it into clean glass jars and cluster lid. it "Quick" recipe Warding jam from dandelions.

Dandelion jam recipe №2

  • More complex process It assumes that at first, the dandelions flowers are soaked in cold water, then they are pressed, poured with 0.5 liters of water and boil fifteen minutes.
  • Three minutes before the end of the cooking, one or two chopped lemon are added along with the zest, boiling, give the brave breaking during the day, filter, flowers and slices of lemon are thrown.
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar are added to the decoction and boil jam in two or three receptions to the color and viscosity of the honey.

Is there damage to jam from dandelions?

Of course, in the presence of allergies or individual intolerance to the body, dandelion jam should be used with caution. In everything you need to know the measure and do not eat sweets with spoons.

Dandelion jam: how to cook and what is useful

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