Fragile girl managed to make a cuisine overhaul 7 sq.m. just 40 thousand rubles.


Fragile girl managed to make a cuisine overhaul 7 sq.m. just 40 thousand rubles.

Anna's young girl after his personally turned her killed "Khrushchev" in a real stylish thing, so the taste of transformations, which decided to overhaul the kitchen in the mother's apartment. Having spent a month of vacation, she managed not only to fully update the room itself, but also to establish new furniture, kitchen equipment and plumbing, spending only 40 thousand rubles for all these innovations.

Anne needed a month of hard work to change the mother's kitchen to be unrecognizable. | Photo:

Anne needed a month of hard work to change the mother's kitchen to be unrecognizable.

For creative and inspired people who know how to do a lot with their own hands, repair is not a catastrophe or end of the world, but only a reason for mobilizing forces and the impetus for self-realization. After all, the enthusiastic people manage to make the full reconstruction of the existing areas and beautiful and pretty fiscal, which has proven a young girl on his example.

Stylish interior of an updated Anna apartment. | Photo:

Stylish interior of an updated Anna apartment.

About today's heroine Anna and its repair in Khrushchev "said not only the authors of, but also know many Youtube regulars, because this video has already gained 400 thousand views.

So the moth's kitchen looked, which we decided to completely update. | Photo:

So the moth's kitchen looked, which we decided to completely update.

After such a stunning success, the girl decided on new transformations, but already in the mother's apartment. And it began with overhaul in the kitchen. Although the dimensions of the room have only 7 square meters. meters, but everything had to change. After all, these walls have not seen repairs for more than 20 years, which means that the tile, linoleum and even furniture with plumbing lost any attractiveness, and even came to full dissent.

To begin with all the furniture and cleaned the walls from the tile and old wallpaper. | Photo:

To begin with all the furniture and cleaned the walls from the tile and old wallpaper.

For everything about everything from Anna with her mom, which was actively helped her daughter, was only 1 month, for the most part two hands and a very modest budget. Therefore, they had to get rid of all the existing furniture, the construction of the stove and washing, and then begin to remove the tile.

To bring the walls in order had to plaster and put them. | Photo:

To bring the walls in order had to plaster and put them. |

After graduating from such a dirty and hard work, the girl shook the unevenness and sawpowered the holes that appeared.

On the bottom of the walls made a panel of plastic lining white. | Photo:

On the bottom of the walls made a panel of plastic lining white.

Floral wallpaper pasted on loose walls. | Photo:

Floral wallpaper pasted on loose walls.

In order not to align the walls, it was decided to make a panel of plastic lining, and the remaining part of the walls to punctural floral wallpapers, which were hidden all flaws and irregularities.

The ceiling tile made of polystyrene is very capricious in operation. | Photo:

The ceiling tile made of polystyrene is very capricious in operation.

To simplify work when refining the ceiling, the ceiling tiles made of polystyrene foam, which really did not want to stay on it, so I had to spend the whole day.

With the help of a support created from the table and several powders managed to make the first row. | Photo:

With the help of a support created from the table and several powders managed to make the first row.

Since the repair decided to make on their own, then the tile had to put it. Considering that the apron goes in the middle of the wall, Anya came up with a simple fitting to hold the first row in the right place until complete drying - it simply used a table with several skirts to fix at the desired level.

New furniture The girl collected herself, installing legs, loops, shelves and doors. | Photo:

New furniture The girl collected herself, installing legs, loops, shelves and doors. .

In the intervals between the styling of the rows of the tile, the girl collected furniture, some parts of which were purchased in a specialized store. Thanks to the existing tool with which it has already been familiar, deepening under the loop and installed all the necessary shelves.

For the stability of a new furniture design, all elements were carefully fortified. | Photo:

For the stability of a new furniture design, all elements were carefully fortified.

Where it was not possible to fix with special furniture bolts, a self-tapping screw was shoved, because the girl is not a professional, which means - you can do, as it turns out and not bother on the norms and rules. For the strength of the structure with the back and inside of the cabinets, all the walls fastened with metal corners.

After complete conversion, the wall did not begin to clutch the cabinets and large shelves. | Photo:

After complete conversion, the wall did not begin to clutch the cabinets and large shelves.

In order to visually increase the existing tiny area, they decided not to clutter the upper part of the walls with massive hinged cabinets. All Kitchen Utensils and Mom's Foods plans to store in three stands that Anna collected such inventiveness.

So that all three stands of steel along the wall had to spill some of the windowsill. | Photo:

So that all three stands of steel along the wall had to spill some of the windowsill.

And in this she certainly will not refuse, because one of them did not fit into a small space between the window and two others, so the girl simply decided to cut off the electric bike part of the windowsill installed earlier. Oddly enough, but such a trick she succeeded, despite the fact that it was very problematic to do on the junction with a vertical wall.

The substrate under linoleum had to fasten with a painting ribbon. | Photo:

The substrate under linoleum had to fasten with a painting ribbon.

In parallel with these works, she finished laying the tile and after the stamps of the seams, as well as painting all pipes and batteries, began to replace the old linoleum. To begin with, the girl put a special substrate, which fastened with a painted adhesive tape, and then spread the linoleum coating - cutting and confining under the existing pipes.

The process of replacement and fittings for the desired linoleum dimensions. | Photo:

The process of replacement and fittings for the desired linoleum dimensions.

After the floors have put in order and fixed the plinths, it was able to install three collected courses that took the entire work wall. In a special construction store, Anna acquired a worktop for the working area and another small for the dining table.

Before cut holes on the purchased tabletop, the girl made the correct markup. | Photo:

Before cut holes on the purchased tabletop, the girl made the correct markup.

So a new stage began in the cuisine in order, and the most responsible - after all it was necessary to make holes under the round sink and under the gas stove.

With the help of an electric batch, the holes for the sink and the gas stove Anna did herself. | Photo:

With the help of an electric batch, the holes for the sink and the gas stove Anna did herself.

After thorough calculations and this part of the work was made by a fragile girl without assistance.

Registration of the working area in the kitchen. | Photo:

Registration of the working area in the kitchen.

When the tabletop was in the place allotted for her, Anya installed a new sink and even connected all pipes and siphon in these cases. To work with the gas stove, it was necessary to invite the masters, because it was necessary to cut one of the pipes and connect a flexible hose, which fit perfectly in one of the Tumb.

Work area in fully assembled. | Photo:

Work area in fully assembled.

When these works were completed, they were left to make several strokes, decorating the interior of the renewed kitchen. For this they did not have to spend a lot, because some items were already either at Mom or at Ani. It was only necessary to sew the curtains, buy and install the handles on the furniture, fasten the railing for cups and a pair of hooks for towels and tapes with apron.

Several elements decorated the updated kitchen interior for mom. | Photo:

Several elements decorated the updated kitchen interior for mom.

After that, I made a dining area where we installed the table and stools with cute pillows under the color of the wallpaper.

Thanks to hardworking and creative inspiration, the girl changed the kitchen to be unrecognizable. | Photo:

Thanks to hardworking and creative inspiration, the girl changed the kitchen to be unrecognizable.

It was the last touch, and the full conversion of the kitchen approached the final, which was gone by a month of painstaking work and 40 thousand rubles, taking into account the purchase of building materials, furniture blanks, plumbing, plates and even a new small TV.

The whole process of overhaul made by their own hands Anna commented on the video. | Photo:

The whole process of overhaul made by their own hands Anna commented on the video.

Anna rented his new accomplishments in the form of a diary in the video, so everyone will be able to get acquainted with all the stages of work in the next video, which has already gained more than 250 thousand views.

This fragile girl who has nothing to do with the construction profession has already updated the interior of its "Khrushchevki".

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