My method of growing juicy dill without an umbrella


There are special varieties of dill, which grown lush bushes and do not bloom for a long time.

They are perfectly suitable "for food" - in salads, soups and second dishes.

My method of growing juicy dill without an umbrella

Such varieties include:

  • Firework
  • Buyan
  • Alligator
  • Dill
  • Amazon ⠀ ⠀

There are varieties that give out some of the leaves and quickly stick into flowering. We need to salting cucumbers and tomatoes.

The most popular so-called umbrella varieties:

  • Further
  • Mribovsky
  • Umbrella
  • Grenadier
  • Dwarf ⠀ ⠀

Today I will tell you how to grow 2 in 1.

First, dill will grow with bushes and give you greens, and closer to the salinity season it will go to umbrellas.

Moreover, the leaves of dill will always be juicy, fragrant and soft. The stalks will become rude only by autumn when umbrellas are required for canning.

And then the case is not at all in the seed variety. It is important to put dill correctly. I share my unique method. ⠀

How to plant such dill?

The main trick when landing is to sow dill with pile, and not in rows as usual.

We dig up a hole, the size of 10-15 cm, we embarrass the seeds of dill, pump the hole and water water. Thus, dill will grow in a lush bush, the greens will always be juicy and soft. ⠀

Umbrellas will begin to be formed when it comes to canning.

My method of growing juicy dill without an umbrella

Benefits of the method:

  • There will always be on the table greens.
  • Dill will grow and not bloom all summer. ⠀
  • By autumn you will be provided with umbrellas for salting. ⠀

My personal observations: With such a landing, dill grows really more fragrant and juicy, try themselves.

The method is very simple and fast. Do not mess with different varieties: separately plant on greens, separately umbrella varieties.

This is such a small trick in the landing can provide you with dill for all summer, and then for the winter (for zero).

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