While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers


While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

An exciting magic fragrance of lilac is impossible to forget! The gentle and sweet smell of blooming spring gardens fills us with pleasant sensations. But not everyone knows about the medicinal plants of some colors. Here, for example, ordinary lilac. But she is able to help the body cope with many diseases.

While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

Lilac color

Therapeutic properties of lilac are known in folk medicine not one hundred years. She grown in abundance in the gardens for the Ottoman Empire. It is assumed that it was there for the first time that a plant in therapeutic and perfumes began to apply.

Lilac contains a large number of ascorbic acid, essential oils and flavonoids that have a positive effect on the body. Lilac is an excellent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

Of it, tea, oil, compresses and ointments are preparing, which helps well with rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis, heel spurs and gout. Unfortunately, lilac oil is almost impossible to buy even in specialized stores. But it can be easily prepared independently at home.

Lilac flowers oil

Flowers must be collected in the forest park area or outside the city - away from industrial zones and dusty roads.


  • Fresh lilac flowers
  • Any vegetable oil without a pronounced smell
  • 1-liter bank with lid
  • Pure Marley


  1. Gently separated small flowers from the stems, fill with them.

    While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

    While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

  2. Heats vegetable oil up to 40 degrees and pouring back flowers in a jar.
  3. Close the capacitance with a lid and let it brew 2 days.

    While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

  4. Policy butter through gauze, carefully pushing the lilac petals.
  5. Again heats oil and add a fresh portion of colors, let them face.

    While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

  6. Repeat the procedure until you get enough aromatic oil.

Such oil needs to rub foreheads and whiskey during migraine, chills, massage patients with joints during rheumatism and other diseases of the movement organs. Try to add this tool into cream, lotion, shampoo and air conditioning - you will encine cosmetics in the very charming aroma and valuable substances.

While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

Today, modern herbalists still use lilac oil for the treatment of rash, solar burns, small cuts and scratches and other skin diseases such as purulent acne, acne, boils. If you add oil into cleaning products when cleaning, then the whole house is flavored.

Such oil treats bronchitis, cold, angina, influenza, is used in inhalations. Lilac relieves stress and all sorts of nervous disorders, increases sexual attraction in women and men.

While Flowers Lilac Fill in the can with vegetable oil and purple flowers

Lilac flowers oil improves the condition in varicose veins. To do this, make a bummer and compresses for the night of cotton wipes impregnated with butter, turning on top of them with a food film. These procedures are particularly effective in a complex with special exercises for vessels.

Are you interested in this recipe? Then do not lose time - collect lilac while she is in bloom, and prepare this wonderful oil!

But on this we do not say goodbye, come back!

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