Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks



The construction of arbors, baths and houses from glass bottles are no longer surprised, but few people know that the famous manufacturer of Beer Heineken even developed a special container for these purposes. Dutch designer John Habraken spent as many as 3 years on the design of practical, and the main thing of free "bricks" for distinguishing countries. What happened from this - further in the material.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Beer bottle from Heineken, as the main material for the construction of houses (WORLD BOTTLE).

For a long time, enthusiasts on the whole globe mastered the skill of the construction of fences, arbors and even houses from glass bottles. And this is no wonder, because the bottles are a throwing building material, which can be absolutely free to choose in the park, on the beach or on the trash. And if you add the durability of the glass floor to this, it is possible to skip the sunlight and maintain heat (thanks to the air layer), as well as the ability to give the original type of any construction, it immediately becomes clear why the bottles are so popular.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
The development of a special bottle-brick left for a whole 3 years (Heineken Wobo).

Not only of experimentants, but also owners of large enterprises are known about the use of the bottle, but also the owners of large enterprises, the executive director Heineken International, during the next trip to one of its branches located on Curaçao Island, saw on the beaches of the muted bottles .

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Bottles bricks were created in two sizes (World Bottle).

The population of the island was distinguished, and even a dilapidated hut was not from anything. Then Arthur Heinequen had a thought about creating a special form of a bottle. If it turns out to be interested in the population, "Heineken considered, then the bottles can be used in construction, and at the same time get rid of garbage on the island.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Ribbed surface enhances the grip with a solution (Heineken Wobo).

Upon returning home, Alfred Heineken, with his ideas, turned to the Dutch designer and architect John Habraken (N. John Habraken), who took up the development of a brick bottle in 1960. It took the whole three years before the world was surprised by the new form of the beer bottle, called the name WORLD BOTTLE ("World Bottle").

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
A short neck and recess at the bottom of each bottle form a reliable connection (WORLD BOTTLE).

Reference: In 1963, the HEINEKEN beer producer spilled a drink in 100 thousand heineken Wobo bottles of 350 and 500 mm high. The release of two sizes was due to the fact that when the walls are connected, not only full-size bricks are always required, but also halves. At the same time, short neck and recess on the bottom of the bottle, allowing to form a reliable connection. Also, in addition to a flat shape, embarrasses were made on the "cuts" so that when the walls were laying there was a good clutch.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Such bottles are much easier to launch during the construction of the walls (HEINEKEN WOBO).

The released quantity of the glass floor should have been enough for the construction of several dozen huts. But no one behaved statistics, so to this day no one knows whether these unusual bottles on the Islands of West Indies were used. But in the Dutch town of Nodwick has since left several objects.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Walls made of bottles skip light and keep warm (World Bottle) well.

Unfortunately, after the release of the first part of the World Bottle, did not go from the conveyor. As it turned out, the bottles of such a form did not like the buyers, and the financial costs of manufacture increase.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
From bottles you can make a spectacular partition or an accent wall (World Bottle).

Since then, there has been a lot of time, and the bottles are reappearing at home. Modern enthusiasts are content with traditional glass, creating real masterpieces, which are clearly indicated by the following examples.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Modern masters create real palaces and even temples from glass bottles.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Original ideas for using empty bottles.

Houses from bottles, or as a beer container began to do in the form of bricks
Colored glass bottles will very effectively look at the facades of houses or small structures.

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