Life tricks and tricks that will be useful to everyone


Small tricks capable of changing life.

Modern realities are such that we are often moving along the rolled, mechanically performing all daily actions. Many are so accustomed to do all the same thing that they intentionally "are not looking for light paths." We have gathered 16 simple life tricks that make it easier every day.

1. Candles

Candles of long burning.

Candles of long burning.

Before freeing the candles, place them for a while in the refrigerator. Chilled candles will burn much longer than the usual. Such a council is necessarily useful to summer houses, as well as people whose homes often turn off the light.

2. Absorption of food

The speed of absorption.

The speed of absorption.

Scientists have proven that the slower you absorb food, the less calories you dial. People who eat quickly per month risk typing about 2 kilograms, while slow consuming will add only 700-800 grams. Therefore, if you do not want to recover, eat in slower, thoroughly chewing food.

3. Antidepressant

Banana for mood.

Banana for mood.

Bananas can be compared with antidepressants. Start your day from one banana to charge a good mood for the whole day. In addition, these fruits help relieve trouble. So, if you left the beloved, you have no problem at work or family life, add more bananas to your diet.

4. Fir-burning drink

Drink that burns calories.

Drink that burns calories.

Lowering coffee makers will be happy to learn that coffee contributes to burning fats. Therefore, a cup of coffee, drunk before training, will allow you to throw a lot more calories.

5. Sleep mode

Healthy sleep.

Healthy sleep.

Healthy sleep is necessary for health. For example, daytime sleep contributes to improving memory and is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. As for the night sleep, the adult organism for recovery is enough for 5-6 hours of sleep, and the sleep lasting for more than 9 hours, on the contrary, can harm the body and weaken the immune system.

6. Men's Recipe

Watermelon for male health.

Watermelon for male health.

Scientists have proven that the eating of watermelons is very useful for male health. Like "Viagra" this berry is able to relax blood vessels and positively influence the quality of intimate life.

7. Music for training

Music for quality training.

Music for quality training.

Want to improve your productivity and workout quality? Carefully pick up music. Scientists have proven that listening to favorite dynamic music will improve endurance and raise 15 percent more weight than in silence.

8. Memory stimulation

Secret stimulation of memory.

Secret stimulation of memory.

If you can not remember that important, concentrate and squeeze the fist. It has been scientifically proven that such a trick will allow "to include" the brain and important information will pop up in your memory.

9. Green tea

Green tea for weight loss.

Green tea for weight loss.

Green tea improves metabolism and is able to help reset weight. Therefore, a cup of green tea for half an hour for sleep will have a positive effect on the body and help to lose weight.

10. Tricks supermarkets

Trick marketers.

There is a lot of tricks with which marketers make us buy expensive or unnecessary products. First of all, it concerns the placement of goods in the trading halls. Most often in large supermarkets, dear goods put at the level of the buyer's eye. In addition, you are closest to you are products with expiring shelf life. Therefore, do not be lazy to spend a few minutes to look at the contents of the upper and lower shelves, as well as get into the grocery ridge.

11. Remedy for insomnia

Gymnastics for sleep.

Many people cannot fall asleep because of stress and disturbing thoughts that firing in the head and do not relax. Easy respiratory gymnastics will help to defeat insomnia. Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat the exercises 4 times and smoothly go to the country of dreams.

12. Means from itching

Spoon from itching.

Heat a teaspoon and attach it to the place of insect bite. Such a simple trick will save you from itching, which is able to drive crazy.

13. Medicine from stress

Joghurt from stress.

If you are in a state of anxiety or stress, prepare soothing yogurt. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of any nuts into a degreasing yoghurt mass. The amino acids contained in these products will help calm down and cope with the alarm.

14. Durable pantyhose

Chilled tights.

Keep the heading tights in the freezer. It sounds ridiculous, isn't it? But despite all the absurdity written, such a trick will make it possible to make products much stronger.

15. Soap and shower gel

Harm soap and shower gel.

Experts argue that the daily use of soap and the shower gel negatively affect the state of our skin. The substances contained in these tools destroy the protective barrier of the skin. If possible, try to use soap and shower gel no more than three times a week, and on the other days just rinse the body with water.

16. Perfume and deodorant

The use of spirits and deodorant.

Apply perfume and deodorant should be solely on clean skin. When reacted with skin fat, these tools can change their fragrance not for the better.

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