Castor oil and soda: what this miraculous mixture is capable


We present to your attention a miraculous mixture, which is able to save from a number of diseases, simply strengthen and rejuvenate the body.

The combination of two ingredients is capable of this: castor oil and sodium bicarbonate (food soda).

Castor oil and soda: what this miraculous mixture is capable

18 ways to use soda and castor oil


Mix 3 tbsp. Soda, 1 tbsp. Castorpi.

Apply the mixture on the body by massaging movements before going to the shower. Leave a tool on the skin for a couple of minutes. Wash in the shower.

You can also drink 6 drops of the Caster once a day to get rid of allergies.


Mix 1 tbsp. Castorca and 1 tbsp. soda.

Apply a means to a place affected by fungus. Leave on the spot for half an hour, after which it was washed and dry the skin.

Bruisies and bleeding wounds

A similar recipe.

Sustav pain

A similar recipe is suitable for getting rid of the pain in the knee joint.

Eye irritation

Mix 1 tsp. Castor oil and 1/2 C.L. Sodium bicarbonate.

Apply on the skin of the eyelid. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with water.

In addition to eliminating eye irritation, the remedy will also save from dark circles around the eyes.


Put the eyes of the Castorok every day before bedtime.

Rejuvenation of the skin of the hands

Mix 1 tbsp. Castor oil and 1 tbsp.

Mass the scrub of hand to 3 min., It is good to wash off.

Skin inflammation

Apply a means to the place of lesion to full deliverance from inflammation.

Sleepiness of the joints

Massaging movements to apply the same means to the foot.

Rejuvenation of the neck

A similar recipe. Making a massage every day for 3 months.

Not only eliminate the skin problems, but also will get rid of hoarseness.

Dark spots

Before bedtime, apply the same mixture on the skin for 20 minutes.


The same recipe. Keep a scrub on an affected place about half an hour, then wash off well.

Insect bites

The same vehicle is applied once a day to eliminate itching and pain.

Castor oil and soda: what this miraculous mixture is capable


Apply the same tool in place with a wart, tied up with a bandage. Remove the bandage in the morning.

So it will be possible to get rid of the outflow in a couple of days.

Back pain

Massifying movements apply the same mixture to the lower back.

Noise in the ear

Pour your ear with a few drops of the Caster times a day.

Hair loss

Apply the caster on the scalp, massage movements rub 5 min.

Stretch marks, Stry

Wash the remedy for the affected area once a day to reduce the tone and relief of the stretch.

Both ingredients have a low cost, so you can buy them anywhere. If you are worried about at least one of the listed problems, be sure to start the treatment with castor oil and soda right now.

Materials are familiarizing in nature. Remember, self-medication is life threatening, for advice on the use of any drugs and treatment methods, contact your doctor.

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