How to shove a pear in a bottle?


How to shove a pear in a bottle?

When I used to see the modelings of the ships in bottles, it always seemed to me that they were gentle, the tweezers were collected directly in the bottle. How else? This later I learned that the masts they have folding and collect them "on the will", and then fold and put in a bottle, where they are laid out.

And what is a pear in a bottle? How did she get there? In Mediterranean countries, you can often find alcoholic beverages with fruit inside. It is said that many years Italian, Spanish and Balkan farmers held a way to prepare wonderful drinks in the strictest secrecy. But today you should know how it is done? Do you know?

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How to shove a pear in a bottle?

That's how this happens. You need to start in advance to secure the bottle even during the formation of ovary. Those. Instead of how to put a pear in a bottle, you need to organize it so that it rose right there. And this can do it.

How to shove a pear in a bottle?

Then the twig neatly breaks down and in a bottle as desired something poured. It turns out very original.

How to shove a pear in a bottle?

But we have already considered how to make curly fruits, these are:

How to shove a pear in a bottle?

The bottles are not visible, and the shape hurts the tricky. How do you do?

How to shove a pear in a bottle?

How to shove a pear in a bottle?
How to shove a pear in a bottle?

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