Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother


For hosts, accustomed to clean the kitchen utensils from a stainless steel with household chemicals, this unique method will become a real discovery. The expensive means for cleaning and polishing the stainless steel will no longer need, but in the pharmacy for the Korvolol will have to go. A penny tool "Bersey" copes with the task without prior soaking. In this case, the consumption is minimal.

Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother

To begin with, you prepare the saucepan and Corvalol in need of cleaning.

Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother
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Moching the liquid with a sponge, start rubbed contaminated places.

Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother

If necessary, add Corvalol during cleaning.

Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother

This is how the most contaminated part of the pan looks like treatment.

Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother

This is not a focus at all, but only the result of the effect of Corvalol in stainless steel. A miracle means easily copes with very strong pollution without prior soaking.

Corvalol on guard of purity: clean stainless steel with grandmother

More details and details regarding stainless steel cleaning in video:

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