Vintage Russian weaving technique on the fingers


Weaving with your own hands
It has long been proven by scientists and doctors that needlework is not only an exciting and interesting, but also a very useful occupation. Especially this concerns knitting and various kinds Technician weaving.

This type of creativity enjoys great love women as an anti-stress agent. Creation classes are able to normalize the work of many systems of our body.

Today, the editors will tell you, dear readers, about a very interesting technique. Weaving on the fingers . They knew about her still in ancient Russia!

The benefits of creativity

How to weave on your fingers

In the people, this technique of weaving on the fingers called "twitch" . Weaving is traditional, Russian. And it originated for a very long time. Our ancestors were selected in this equipment belt, all sorts of laces and decorations.

Weaving technique

Before you master the real weaving, humanity, apparently, mastered all sorts of weaving. Girls of junior school classes still have fun on the change of the game "in string." It is impossible to exclude that in this game is preserved the echo of an old method of weaving, or "jerggy" braids.

Even during the early Middle Ages, Slavs and Finno-Ugra, who lived on the territory of our edges, washed down such narrow durable ribbons to cover the lifting (element of the Russian folk costume), as a loop for buttons, "Gasnikov" (belts for pants) and "Evor" .Tetems made of thick woolen threads were used to make bracelets.

Weaving on the fingers

Scientists-ethnographers note that similar Method of weaving It was widespread in antiquity, since they used not only representatives of the Slavic people (ethnos), but also Finnish. This is confirmed by archaeologists: during excavations, fragments of such laces and ribbons are found.

how to weave on your fingers

Today it is increasingly in the way of handmade things, and the clothes or accessories in style ethno are especially appreciated. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why this weaving technique is now experiencing its second birth!

During weaving, you can use from 5 to 9 threads of any thickness. It is important that the threads were an odd amount! Before starting the work, the threads must be folded twice and tied to something stationary. For example, to the chair turned back.

how to evil braid

The ends of the thread must remain loop. To start weave to wear a loop on your fingers as shown in the photo below, observing exactly the sequence of fingers.

Weaving with your own hands

The little finger of the right hand, the crying of it under the right side is put on the fingers of the loop, start capturing the far thread.

Thread skip through the loop. Thus, on your right hand you will have three loops, and on the left - two.

Traditional weaving

Next, move the loop on the right hand sequentially so that the little finger remains free. Repeat the action mirror, while the little finger of the left hand starts under the second loop string, as shown in the photo.

how to weave in the technique of jerking

As a result, you will succeed Stylish openwork cord . The pattern may be the most different, this is a creative thing, everything depends on your mood and desires.

how to evolve belt

To get acquainted with this technique in more detail, see the video.

And in this video you will find out how to evolve belt In the technique of "Dergania".

how to evan the belt with your own hands

As you can see, the weaving method is not completely complex, and therefore adults and children will completely cope with it. In addition, Dergali does not require special equipment! All you need is a few threads, yours skillful hands And the desire to create.

Overtime Weaving on the fingers , You can weigh bright bookmarks for books, bracelet on hand, beautiful braid for hairstyles or decoration of linen apron or skirts. And, of course, a stylish belt.

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