The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line


The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

The unique creations of a woman reveal collectors from around the world, booking them in advance at the Master before making. Mini has its own creative studio, where it creates stunning author's dolls.

For the manufacture of one doll month of painstaking work. Marina carefully worries every detail of the body of the future masterpiece.

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

Dolls, as a rule, are made in traditional Russian motifs: Beauties are dressed in sundresses and shawls, the hair is woven in braids, and on the cheeks are visible a light blush.

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

To create dolls, Marina uses ceramics and clay. Some of her creations occupy a special place in private collections of customers.

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

In addition to graceful dolls, the Master also makes cute animals with children's faces. Each of them has its own emotion and mood: someone laughs, and someone touches the heart to a sad look.

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

Minina receives orders for the manufacture of dolls from different points of the planet: most often they buy collectors from Germany and China. Marina does not accept those orders for the execution of which the customer asks to repeat the image from a particular photo.

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

In each masterpiece she puts their inspiration and emotions.

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

The dolls from Arkhangelsk became famous for the whole world. Now collectors are built by them in line

Many fans of Marina's creativity believe that the faces of some beauties are something like the master itself. It really is true!

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