Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring


Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

Did you know that you can build a wonderful homemade flower leaf from the rest of the professional flooring, which will look no worse than the shop? If you have, for example, after installing the fence, there were pieces of professional flooring, let them in business - repeat this wonderful flower bed. It applies to her dignity and the fact that it is portable and compact: if necessary, for example, for the winter, you can fold the flower leaf and hide in a compact form to the garage, it will not take a lot of space. Even if you buy a material for creating flower beds in the store, you will not spend a lot of money: the final work will still cost you at times less than the finished flower bed from the store.

For work, the master used the remnants of the usual metal professional flooring for the fence. He cut him on the strips of such a width, which kind of flower leaf. One strip One side of the future flower beds. Slip so many strips as you consider it necessary (it depends on how much space you can take off under such a flower).

Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

Then the master took an electric screwdriver and made two holes in all sheets of professional flooring.

Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

After that, the master connected the edges of the sheets among themselves with a ripple. A feature of the design is that you can construct a flower lamp almost any form - it depends on your fantasy. In this case, the master decided to stop at the flower-shaped flower bed - it looks very cute.

Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

It remains only to transfer the resulting design to a permanent place and fill the earth. You can make a chamomile smaller and install it in the construction center, also filling the ground to the edge.

Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

Now you can land flowers and decorate them the resulting homemade flower bed.

Beautiful and practical flowerbed from the remains of the professional flooring

For more information about creating flower beds, see your hands in the video below:

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