About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful


About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About pants, like a piece of clothing on the bottom of the body, for each leg, separately, and covering your knees. That is, about jeans, and about the cargo, and about dulls, pipes, cigarettes, chinoshs, Palazzo and God knows what else.

The style and material manufacturing material will be of us a little, because I suggest to talk about the length of the trouser and friendship with shoes.

With trousers, we are often too interested in the question "Does it look good? And how freely sits on the belt" and sooo, even too often forget about the length about the length.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

With the length of the three rules firmly in the minds:

First, 1 centimeter from the floor

Secondly, the middle of the heel

Thirdly, open ankle (this is already modern, closely related to "cuts legs" and "the most narrow place")

But the most often the phenomenon - we carry the pants that we are long or short, because they did not pay attention to the length, width, style and shoes, or used one of the above rules.

Every this rule is true, there are also others who are also true, but everything applies to different pants.

And the most important thing is not to memorize the rules. We must look at your pants, on your shoes, on yourself in a large mirror in full growth and apply logic. Everything.

Where are we going to look first?

On how trousers are sitting down, right up to shoes (pictures will be about boys, and about girls, it doesn't have much importance today, Google is just more male issues)

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

If you see the harmonic, then trousers are long.

I don't see the left of the harmonica, it means that too long, not to speak.

If heavy fabric and wide fit pants, the harmonica will be ankle bubble

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

If the trousers are of dense fabric and relatively narrow, they will gather in a fold under the knee and then the harmonica

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

If the pants are narrow, then it will be so charming

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

about trying to support the length down, it will be so

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Well-sitting pants sitting in length do not assume either folds nor the races except small natural to walk

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

And besides models of trousers that make accuracy

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Immediately we understand that with such pants and shoes put on appropriate. Sports and different trekking.

If you plan to wear serious shoes with similar baggy pants, then two - either you strike yourself from the mods of mods and are unlikely you need the rest of the text (although I strongly doubt that you read it at all). Either go to the eclectic situation, that is, you plan to combine incompatible, and you need it for your idea.

Due to the fact that the length of the trouser is a thing that is easier to fix, many wage producers have come up with leave the edge of the trousers free and untreated, because most often the pants are still cut.

Many have come up with a length of a certain growth. Most often there are two gradations - 164-166 and 175-178. But since. There are few people anyway, and the length of the trousers directly depends on the shoes with which you plan to wear them, then such pants are also cut.

For high, of course, it is quite difficult to find the full length of the pants under the heels.

"How much do you hang in grams?"

How much to cut - depends on the width of the trousers and again shoes.

If the pants are wide and / or cooled to such an extent, that close the shoes are completely or almost completely, cutting a maximum of 1 cm from the floor so that when you walk the asphalt not to sweep

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

However, it will completely cover or not, depends on the width of the trousers and from the height of the heel. The higher the heels, the smaller the square will occupy a shoe, and, accordingly, hide or not in the trousers completely.

If the trousers are narrow, narrowed and when approaching the edge of shoes, they strive in the harmonic

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Focus the ankle.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

The shoes still really affect such a length. More precisely, height heels

I have a picture (on which, by the way, it is clearly visible about the desired width of the trouser, which closes the shoes completely, depending on the shoes)

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

See, depending on the height of the heel, the possible edge of the pants will either open the edge of the shoes, or this edge to close

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

And if you plan to wear narrow trousers and high heels, then cut the bones above, you won't lose. Otherwise you risk getting harmonic


either the thin tissue of the trousers can jump into the edge of the shoes and it will be elementary uncomfortable

So narrow trousers under high heels cut, do not hesitate

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

If heels are not assumed, everything is spinning around the ankle, harmonica trousers and severity of the situation

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

By the way, the pants are such, in a sitting condition, they raise quite high


So the length of the socks, if they are assumed, should be appropriate

Complex length - when wide, but shoes do not close completely

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

straight or slight pants

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Straight - in the sense that the width of the trousers from .. Emmm ... step-down seam to the edge does not change. Knees are not covered, the edge is free

Such a width of Seych is a little old-fashioned looks. True, it is possible and not to say "old-fashioned", you can say "classical".

Such pants are often cut too short. Because they strive to make the trousers without the chances, or measure not with their shoes. Or are not protected in different states.

Such pants are prescribed in front

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

When walking the chalk, it will not be visible, but the trousers will not rise too high, the bawdy heel completely.

Here in such a width, you can use the rule "up to the middle of the heel" or slightly lower, provided that it will be better.

"Better" is generally a very blurred concept, of course. It strongly depends on the concrete width of the trousers, from the intelligence, from the shoes: heels, noses ...

For example, here is too short.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

The width of the trousers will skip sufficient to lower them into the floor. And such a length looks like a ko. Why so cut - unknown. As if with flat shoes, Merili and missed. Or as if the fabric was not enough.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

On one leg, everything seems to be decent, heels, length, but in a shortened version with flat shoes it looks better.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Too long. Bubbles from the knee diverge. And not too much like everything is on the electo or idea. It is too similar to the fact that just trousers are long.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Good length. But only in the appropriate execution of the entire image. Not necessarily exactly the same, the essence is more likely ... Mmm ... Uncleanness. It is clear that everything has gathered each other with each other, and this is a modern version in which there is no rules that there is no combination. Everything is friends with everything at the request and taste of the author. As far as the author bold and is free from stereotypes with a length or thick legs - this will be the length of the trousers.

And if cuffs or arrows

This is the simplest thing that you can come up with - the arrows should be straight from beginning to end, then they are arrows.

Here, in extreme cases it is better to smooth out. But it is not a fact that after smoothing it will be better

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Cuffs should be without chances. The specificity of such

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

Naturally, if there is no other idea



If you already have pants and there are concrete shoes.

We measure together, look at the harmonica under the knee and below, cut to that length that will save you from the harmonica.

It turns out too short for you, well, reluctant to you with the ankles to contact these, none with socks are cheerful, measure the pants with another height of the heels - above or lower (depends on the width of the trousers)

If you think about the style trousers, again oriented on shoes and season.

Narrow and narrowed brcins almost always imply games with ankles or socks. Reluctance to mess with them, choose wider brushes for yourself.

If you are in the store measure the pants, immediately, in the same place in the store, look at the folds and accordions at the bottom of the trousers. Excellence, try lift the heel to the alleged height of the heels, under the possible height of the heels and evaluate - and how it will look. To make at home for you, it would not be a surprise that the optimal length is rather short and it is unacceptable for you. And if longer, then all the sail is fluttered.

If you have pants, but you know do not know what to wear them from shoes, turn on additional parameters.

Pants are warm, wearing their winter, while they are narrow. So, if they cut them here, then the height of the shoes is free to be this .. and if I want funny socks ... And if I do not want any socks.

Either you have a summer pants, a wide Palazzo, completely hide the foot, so to wear them with? With heels - one length, with flat sandals Another length.

Sew or toss

I would not have written anything about this if I didn't find such a wonderful picture.


It seems. Called - Clip for trouser converting.

This is nonsense on lean oil. Pzhauysta, do not do so. Do not detain jeans inside just like this or with this clip.

If you want to carry a full length without sovereigns outside, jeans implies a line along the edge of the trousers


Recessed inside, but not stitched jeans (or pants out of coarse tissue), looks like, incomplete, utilitarian, and, not be afraid of this word, "collective farm."

Without lines, there are serious trousers, serious shoes, formal situation, arrows or cuffs

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

If you have neither jeans nor serious pants, but something average, orient to the original. In the original there is a visible line - strain. In the original there is an invisible bending - "not scribble".

Jeans or "A la Jeans" are detached in one or more narrow or wide gentlets

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful
About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

either twist in rolls

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful


sum up

Do not attempt to memorize the rules. They are outdated. They were good when the only factory in the union sewered all the pants according to GOST, and the only shoe factory made the same model of shoes. In the world, where there are hundreds of pants, hundreds of models of shoes and millions of different tasks and opportunities, uniform rules simply cannot be.

About the length of the trousers. Vividly and useful

It is necessary to focus on what you have, and what you want to get. Measure everything with everything and wear everything with everything.

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