Why is it important to cover the slab with wet towels


Each hostess dreams that the kitchen stove always shone purity. However, without further effort it is impossible. Allantly, after all, something is preparing, then there is something there and spoil and spoil perfect purity. Therefore, it is important to know How to wash the stove Even if the pollution is solar.

how to wash the slab from fat

And today, the editors shall with you a couple of effective ways, how to wash the slab from fat.

How to wash the gas stove

Now manufacturers offer us hundreds of various funds promising to clear the stove to the perfect shine. Almost always these tools work perfectly. However, their composition can be quite aggressive. If you do not want to use chemicals, there are always no less efficient home from anything.

how to wash the stove in the kitchen

One of the most effective home remedies, which is found in the kitchen cabinet of each mistress - vinegar. With the help of 9% vinegar, it is possible to remove lime spots and fat, even the keen one.

When the stove cools, the vinegar sprayed along the surface of the plate or smell of pollution. Leave for a while, and then delete pollution. Wash the plate dry. If it did not help, then you can use the following method.

How to wash the slab from Nagara

If something fails to wash, soda always comes to the rescue. There was no reason without it. If the plate is very dirty, you can try this cleaning method. At the expense of its alkaline properties of the soda, it is perfectly coping with even solar fat and mud. Remember that the stove of glass ceramics do not recommend cleaning soda so as not to leave scratches.

how to wash the glass ceramic plate

So, the slab surface is generously sprinkled by soda, paying special attention to polluted areas. In a small bowl, prepare a solution of hot water and dishwashing agents. Take conventional kitchen towels, mix them in solution and completely cover with their slab. Towels must be wet enough so that the soda is dissolved, but not so much so that water flows on the stove.

how to wash the slab from fat folk remedies

Leave for 15-30 minutes, depending on the degree of pollution. After the surface of the cooker, the same towels, gently removing the dirt residues. To effectively remove soda from the surface, you can use the same vinegar. After swinging the plate dry with paper towels and enjoy the kitchen assistant shines cleanliness!

Of course, you can always take advantage of purchased tools. Although, by and large, on the efficiency of the soda, it is not inferior to them. And also in a pair with wet towels! In this way, you can wash away from the stove any sticky nasty and imagine the perfect order.

how to wash the slab without divorce

Council of the editorial office

So that you should not resort to the most extreme measures, try to keep the stove clean all the time. There are some little tricks that will help you in this. First, take the habit immediately after cooking clean the plate from food residues. It's not so difficult to wipe the plate with a rag.

Especially quickly need to get rid of molten plastic, sweet products (jam or caramel), plastic film. All this will be a problem if you do not remove it immediately. After a complete cooling of the plate, wipe it with a detergent or water, if there are no fat traces.

how to wash the slab without chemistry

Secondly, do not use for washing the plates inappropriate means: bleach, remedy for cleaning ovens, gel from blockages and so on. It can spoil the surface of the plate, and blue divorces can even appear, which are not getting rid of. It is also not worth using hard brushes and abrasive tools so as not to damage the surface.

Also, take the habit of wipe the plate dry so that there are no divorces. All this will help protect the kitchen stove and make the cleaning process at times easier!

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