"Never throw away anything!"


The stylist of the transfer "for 10 years younger" spoke about fashion trends.

The stylist of the project "For 10 years of younger" Katya Gershuna shared his considerations about how good looks good, well, and told about fashion trends that will be relevant in the coming year.

"Beads are no longer relevant."

- Katya, what decorations are now in fashion? It would seem that the gold chains came from their own, but they all wear them again ...

- History with gold chains is some kind of phenomenon! But the fact is that tiny satellites, thin chains and small rings on a large woman are not particularly visible, it makes no sense to wear flashing threads! But if there were earrings with emeralds - very expressive, luxurious - complete with the evening toilet is another matter.

- How to keep the balance and not look like a Christmas tree, hung with decorations?

- What decoration to use - depends on many factors: from the damn face, from growth and size, from the psychotype of appearance. If the woman is fine-minded, with small features of the face - a simply miniature thumbnail, - of course, huge jewelry for her is unnatural. Here it will really be organically to look at the finest thread of pearls or a beautiful short chain with a small drop of diamond. You need to understand what zone you want to decorate. If you have to take pictures - the portrait zone is important. Then there will be one accent ...

- That is, if the beads are massive, then let them only be?

- I would say in this case about the brooch, about the earrings. But beads, it seems to me, the thing has not been relevant for a long time. If we do not talk about pearls.

- Well, what are wearing decorations in everyday life with ordinary clothes?

- If you, let's say, the vest - will be great if you wear some threads of chains. It will send us to the marine style. If this cashmere sweater is great to look asymmetrically pinned a small brooch - or larger, depending on your size. If you have a turtleneck, then I would recommend earrings. And Bus, perhaps, no longer needed!

"Sports style in fashion"

- If a person does not need to rush every morning to the office - let's say, he has a creative profession, - what style of clothes then suitable? Sports?

- Indeed, sportswear this season is more than relevant. But there is an important point: sporty style is not what you can buy in a sports store. It's one thing - when you go to engage in the gym, and the other - when we are dressed in the style of sports chic. Such clothes only look like a sports, but in fact it is not. For example, it can be joggers or trousers with lamps.

By the way, they can be put on and in the office - let's say, sports pants with a white shirt, underlined by a hard leather belt or with lacquer black boats on a heel. If you have bright lipstick and tightly removed to the top, the image will be delicious! This is creative, fashionable, relevant and incredibly stylish!

- Well, if you like the classics?

- A woman who does not have a dress code, - happy woman. She is able to express with the help of clothes. But clothes are the most powerful tool in order to customize yourself for the coming day and even on life in general. Such a woman is not clamped into the frame, she can afford to wear bright clothes, in which the office is better not to walk.

- Tell me, what jeans will be relevant in the new season?

"I think that Skinny with a high waist will be in fashion for a long time." However, some tendency is planned for torn jeans. Now we are in the aesthetics of the early 2000s. If you remember, at that time were incredibly relevant to the hip, from the knee, skirts-pants.

"White sneakers young people"

- In the cold season, nothing is so important as warm and comfortable down jackets. They will not come out of fashion?

- Indeed, in our realities a down jacket is the best and comfortable winter clothes. The question is what style is closer for you. If you like the very sport style, then you will fit the down jacket, which resembles the park (long jacket with a hood. - Ed. ). If you're closer a classic topic, then you should choose a down jacket, which is maximally deprived of parts (additional lightning and collars, inserts, stickers) and has a smooth one-photon texture. Now there is a huge number of down jackets, including so beautiful that they can be put on even with evening clothing.

- And how are things with sneakers?

- I will immediately say: white sneakers will never come out of fashion ever, because it is not a tribute to fashion is "Mast Hav", style for all times. In fact, the same thing as a small black dress.

I will say more: white sneakers are able to rejuvenate the image of any person, whether a woman or a man. Putting on white sneakers, man immediately makes his image fresh and more dynamic.

- What bags will be relevant this year? Do I need to say goodbye to backpacks?

- At the moment, the backpack lost this relevance that there was a couple of seasons back. Now there are more relevant bags on the belt, small handbags that are on hand or on the neck - in general, non-standard things. But personally, I can not imagine my life without a backpack, because I often have to fly, and he helps me very much. And then, I generally for nothing to throw anything. If the thing is worthy, good quality suitable for your colors - it makes no sense to part with it!

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