9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!


In modern life, most household problems are solved easily and simply, because it seems that we already have a million useful things and devices that can perform any task. But is it right we use the objects that have long known to us? Exactly? Today we collected as many as 9 things that you probably use it wrong.

1.) Paper Stickers

You have on the table - at home or at work - probably lies a block of paper stickers - ideal for small notes and reminders yourself. Wonder how do you spare sheets from the block? Surely you take over the edge and pull up. Because of this, the tip of the sheet covered with glue, bends up.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

It is necessary otherwise: we take a sheet behind the edge and pull it out, but to the side. Leaf will remain smooth.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

2.) Skovorod

Everyone has a pan at home, and it seems that we know everything about it. For example, why do you need a hole at the end of the handle? Hang frying pan on the wall? True, but not only. Next time, preserving the sauce with a wooden spoon, do not put it on the table, and insert the handle into the hole. The spoon itself will be above the frying pan, which means there are no droplets on the table.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

3.) spoon for spaghetti

A special spoon for pasta, which is so convenient to catch pasta from the pan of pasta, is indeed indispensable. So ever wondered how to measure the perfect portion of spaghetti?

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

And you don't need to think - only a spoon is needed. In the hole in the center of the spoon runs just the perfect amount of spaghetti for one portion.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

4.) Hair invisibility

Surely, fastening the naughty strand of hair invisible, most ladies have a small piece of metal with a smooth side - to the head. Although it is necessary just the opposite - a smooth side up.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

5.) Milk

We are about cardboard bags with milk or juice, we know for sure everything. Or not? Surely, wanting to pour milk into a glass, you hold the package down the side that closer to the neck.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

But if you flip the package, the jet of milk will be smooth and not overrun.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

6.) Isol

I used the tape, do not rush to clean it away. We stick to the edge of the tape paper - now use the ribbon next time it will be much more convenient.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

7.) Foil

The foil roll has long become indispensable in our kitchen. Do you know how to use it? That's right, here too, there is your trick: there is a hole on the package that is easy to sell with your finger. Looking at the finger inside, hold the roll and easily cutting about the served edge of the cardboard box.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

8.) Petrol

Each car owner has ever had to drive on an unfamiliar car. And whether you know that you can approach the refueling, you can already find out with 100% accuracy from which side the benzobac. And all because next to the refueling icon on the dashboard is drawn a small arrow indicating the right side.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

9.) Headphones

Do you like to listen to music while playing sports? Do you know how to do so that the headphones do not fly out of the ears when moving? Correctly, we throw them on the ear sink from above, and only then we insert into your ear.

9 things that you all use the wrong life. It's incredible!

Which of the items surprised you most? Or do you have your secrets? Share with us and with the whole world!

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