Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration


Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Elegant decor from old Tulle: ideas for inspiration

Good afternoon, dear readers!

I recently made myself a pillow from old tulle!

And it was so. She began to wander over the Internet in search of interesting ideas of decorative pillows and came across an amazing beauty of lace pillows with flowers. So I caught fire to do something like that. And as a material, I decided to use old tulle, which is fully stored at home. Despite the fact that we regularly enter orders in the closet and throw out old things, but the tulle threw as it did not rose.

After all, from the old Tyula, you can make all sorts of beautiful things for the house and not only, about some such ideas, I want to tell, show the photos that found on the Internet.

How to whiten old tulle

But before something to sew and instill, you need to bring old tulle in order. You need to wash it and, if necessary, whiten from yellowness and serness.

To whiten the Tulle, use whiteness and other chemicals is needed very carefully, because if you move to the amount and time of withstanding when soaking, you can simply spoil tulle and pull miserable raches from the basin or bucket. In addition, Tulle bechaltered in such a way in this way needs constant bleaching, because the stains on it will not be overjected.

I always use a simple recipe for whitening of Tulle using salt.

In the pelvis or enameled bucket of pouring hot water and add 3 tablespoons of salt on (5 liters of water).

Machine in a well-stirred salt of tulle salt at night. Then it remains only to liure in the usual way.

Even for whitening the Tulle, you can use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol: 1 tablespoon of ammonic alcohol and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide on a bucket of water, soaked tulle for half an hour and he is already as new!

Pillows from old tulle

These and other pillows were my inspiration from the old Tulle.

IDEJA DLJA Krasivoj podushki

Narjadnaja Kruzhevnaja Podushka.

How to sew a pillow from old tulle

As a cover for pillows, except for Tulle, I used a chopper fabric from which other my pillows on the sofa are sewn.

From the fabric and the tulle, we cut two rectangular canvas with a size of 45 x 90 centimeters + allowance for seams.

The workpiece from Tulle needs to be bent in half and turn the place of bend - it will be clearly expressed in the middle.

We spawn the telly canvas with fabric and stepping on the machine in the middle so that both of these canvases are well connected to each other and when using the pillow, they did not shift.

Skalyvaem Tjulevoe Polotno S Tkanevym

Further, everything is simple: stepping two sides of the cover and with a third party from the corners to the middle, we turn on the front side, pink holofiber.

The pad from the old tulle is ready to decorate it in principle.

How to make roses for decor

I made three rosettes of different sizes from the strips of the same tulle and satin fabric.

Zagotovki Dlja Roz Iz Tkani

For one rosette, the bands stitched in that order: the long pink, tusle, short pink, tusle. Fabric strips pre-bent in half and treated edges.

On the edge of the ribbon we make a line with wide stitches, tighten a little.

On the one hand, the tape turn the corner and begin to twist the roset, grabbing it with a needle with a thread.


For the second rosette, I stitched the strips like this: long tower, long pink, short tulle, long pink.

And for the big rose to the long pink strip of the fabric, I sewed a long strip from Tulle.

The size of the roses depends on the length of the strip. From a strip of about 50 cm long, a ross is obtained with a diameter of 3-4 cm, but also depends on the density of tissue and twisting density. Of the thinner fabric and rosette more gentle, air. I had a tight fabric, so the roses were so stuffed, and I did them for the first time.

Rosettes sewed to the pillow, additionally decorated with braid and beads.

Podushka Iz Starogo Tjulja

A gentle pillow from old Tulle may not be so beautiful, as on the photo seen by me, but is made with a soul, and it has dirty perfectly among other bright decorative pillows.

Pillow with tulle decor

Another decorative pillow with the use of elements from the old tulle I was done for a long time, but did not tell about her before.


For such a pillow, I sewed a cover from the squares of two different colors: orange and brown tissue.

The petals got out of the tulle, she crossed them with a finishing braid and sewed a cushion cover for each square.

What to do from old tulle

Next, I will give a few photos that can be made of old tulle.


Skatert 'Iz Starogo Tjulja

It is not necessary to knit a beautiful lace tablecloth on the table at all, you can sew it from Tulle, even old. I made a similar tablecloth on the veranda.


Shtoryi Iz Tyulya.

From the same Tulle, I somehow sewed the curtains into the kitchen, or rather, I adapted them on the veranda, but for the kitchen such a model will fit, it is this purpose that I saw this idea in Liza magazine. The curtains are sewn in the technique of patchwork in combination with a porter fabric.

Lamp shade

Abazhur Iz Starogo Tjulja

To create a beautiful lace lamp lamp, the segment of the tissue is glued to an existing boning lampsuer or a simple lampshair, bought specifically, which can be repainted in the desired color. The edges wrap inside, cut and glued.

Stands under cups

Podstavki Iz Starogo Tjulja

I found such ideas of the original glass-based supports. I do not know if you have such glass blanks? I think there are few people. I propose an equally interesting way: take the accumulated drives of SD!

The disc must be preloaded with monophonic paper or cloth to close the hole. Next, we cut the size of a slightly more disc from the tulle of the circle, cutting the edges in several places, we sweep them on the reverse side of the disk and glue. Then, on top to the reverse side, you need to glue another disk. You can additionally decorate the stands from the old tulle on the disks of the braid, gluing it along the edge.

Chair cover

Chehly Iz Starogo Tjulja

From the old tulle, select the cloth, cut out a cover from it and put on the back of the chair , Telt tape.

Dekor Stula Iz Starogo Tjulja

You can sew or glue a lace cloth on the bilateral tape and decorate the chair. True, in the photo, of course, not old tulle, but it is possible to use it. Just edges will be smooth.


By the same principle based on burlap you can make a beautiful napkin with lace. This option for giving will be unmatched!

Salfetka Dekor Iz Starogo Tjulja

Ideas for dacha

From the old tulle you can make other decorations for giving.

Or here is a pretty cute basket.

Dekor Korzinki Iz Starogo Tjulja

To the edge of the tulle canvas, stretching, rubber band and put on such an outfit on the basket. The handle is wrapped with a ribbon from old tulle.

mosquito net

MOSKITNAJA Setka Iz Starogo Tjulja

Previously, in this way, probably, many defended themselves from mosquitoes: hung on the versions of gauze, grid. Now with modern technologies, we are increasingly using ready-made mosquito nets on the windows. But for giving, for example, this is a great option - make such a grid of old tulle both on the windows and on the door, it will be very pretty.

Crafts from old tulle

In addition to the home decor and cottage items, you can the old tulle case for mobile phone, decorate the bag and even make a sailboat and much more.


Parusnik Iz Starogo Tjulja
I collected a bit of interesting ideas in this video, including my creations:

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