Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment



Everyone can agree with the point that the Chinese embroidery with silk threads is an unforgettable and very beautiful sight. . It seems that the picture is drawn by watercolor paints, it is so amazing the imagination. The unique technique is absolutely amazing the fact that there is a game of light and shadows.

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Of course, such a needlework is far from simple, but even complex and places of painstaking, requiring cramping and certain skills. In this article, you will familiarize yourself in detail with this embroidery technique, and learn how to do it properly.

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Step-by-step photo MK for beginners by silk embroidery

Everything you need to work

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

First of all, you need to prepare a convenient workplace for yourself so that everything is at hand. Do not forget to check the quality of staining the threads you purchased. You can check this as follows: Fold the silk fiber and wet it with water. Then put a wet thread on a small cut of white matter and swallow it all with a hot iron. If the quality of the material is bad, then you immediately remove that the white canvas is painted into the color of the thread. And now prepare those materials that you need during the work:

  • The subframe is needed so that the size of the embroidered canvas exceeds is approximately four centimeters;
  • silk matter;
  • You can also use the finished set for embroidery;
  • Simple pencil and short needles with small ears.

Embroidery pattern silk thread

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Establish directly to work. It is necessary to secure matter into the subframe. If not, then take advantage of the hoops. Silk is better to take a monophonic color, and preferably from natural fibers. This matter will be very strong, and will not be deformed, but only to glisten and shine beautifully. Ideally, the Chinese embroidery is performed on silk blue, red or white. If you want to be more modern or you do not like the listed shades, then you can purchase cream or golden fabric.

Now attach a blank from cardboard to the canvas, and cutting it with a simple pencil with neat movements. As a result, you have a field, in which you will embroider with your own hands. If you are an absolute novice in this needlework, then use ready-made sets that are available. In it you will find everything you need.

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

Basically, experienced craftsmen make a mark on this highlighted field so that separate circuits of the future pattern or pattern can be applied. You can even redraw it completely. So, it will even be much more convenient and can significantly facilitate the initial process.

Having made some neat stitches, secure the thread on the canvas. After that, begin to embroider in the technique of stroit individual patterns of the pattern, changing only the color of the main material. You must have a hatching of silk. It is worth being absolutely attentive at the time of creating the next stitch, as in any incorrect moment, you risk tearing gentle and fine fabric. And as a result, a noticeable hole is formed.

When you complete the embroidery, you will need to cut the image, leaving a small allowance so that later you manage to perform a tightness. The product must be attached with a clear glue to an even basis, and then take dense matter and cut it in the embroidery size to glue from the reverse side of the silk image. Thus, you hide all irregularities and roughness on embroidery.

Chinese Embroidery Silk Equipment

It is not necessary to insert the finished product into the frame, it can be framed by a decorative cord that is glued along the edge of silk beauty, using transparent glue again.

Video: Technology Embroidery with silk stroke

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