The best way to unscrew the screws with a torn slot


The best way to unscrew the screws with a torn slot

This method can be called the most effective, although there is no doubt there are many other ways. But in contrast to the rest, this method gives a 100% guarantee of the extraction of problem self-proof.

Problem Selfness

By the way, at the end of the publication there will be a video from my YouTube channel, where this method will be shown, and as a bonus is still two others. Among the three ways from the video, this one can be called the most "vandal". Therefore, all the same, I will advise you first try two others, and if it did not come out, only after that proceed to this method.

Frankly, this method should be applied only when others did not help, since the risk of damaging the workpiece, or the product, or the material is very large.

We simulate the situation, we have a self-tapping screw, which are tightly torn off the slots, and we can neither how to extract it. Something like this:

Self-torn slot

Self-torn slot

Agree, such a misfortune is often with white and yellow screws, the black head breaks more often. And now neither a screwdriver nor a screwdriver can cope with this paars. But we will not immediately fall into depression, not all is lost.

For a toto, to extract the self-sufficiency, we will need Bulgarian or dremel.

Our Savior

Our Savior

Of course, if you do a densem, then everything will turn out much more careful. But I don't have it ... Therefore, for the lack of coat, we use the usual ... We take a grinder in the hands and incisions on the head of the self-press. The main thing is that the Bulgarian disc was as thin as possible.

Make an incision on the head of self-building

Make an incision on the head of self-building

Well, what, instead of a cross, we have now a straight slot. We take the usual straight line (with s a slot) a screwdriver and unscrew this bastard.

unscrew the screws

unscrew the screws

That's basically it. We look at the video less hazardous methods for extracting self-pressing with a torn slot.

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