African Embroidery Beading by Rope


This technique is called African. In Africa, women twisted the bundles of the nickname in the harnesses and wrapped them with low beads. Description of technology was published at the end of the last century in the German book of Katharina Dietrich (Katharina Dietrich), in Russian, this book was translated without the author, I suspect that without her knowledge.

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We will do this necklace

For embroidery, you can take any rope that will find in the house, better in x / b overtake and not very thick, approximately 5-8 mm with a diameter.

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The thread is fixed in the rope by a node or a few short stitches in different directions, as at the beginning of any embroidery, we ride a certain amount of beads / beads on a thread and pay around the rope, we put the beads around the rope tightly, but do not tighten the thread tight. We stick to the needle in the rope after the last dialing of the bead, we take on 3-4 bispers along the way back.

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Making a fixing short stitch across the beaded low, we take a needle further on a few beery back, again fixing stitches, etc.

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When all the turns grabbed, we take a needle to the place where the challenge finished, for a couple of beads to the end of low.

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We skip needle ahead in the course of the work in the last two dialged bispers and ride a new batch of beads.

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Again we twist the rope with a beader, fix the turns, etc., until you kill the whole rope. How much to drive beads? Here, by the mood, I got, sometimes a couple of turns wrapped out, sometimes more than the turns of the turns at times and more often, the result, but the result, but too short coils it turns out for a long time, find your reasonable compromise for yourself.

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Convenient for embroidery clothespin ropes with a x / b overall, the core of the rope in them is cut along the edges to a pair of cm and the length is touched into the rope, to the edge, then it is easy to sew any clasm. With a synthetic rope, it is difficult to melted the edges and glue caps.

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