7 myths about mattresses in which it is time to stop believing


7 popular misconceptions about mattresses.

What is the key to excellent sleep? In careful relaxation, habit, do not overeat to bed, quiet, like mice neighbors, and the "right" mattress. Just an uncomfortable mattress often becomes the cause of the bad mood and the novel back in the morning. And all because when choosing in the store, people are focused on 7 popular misconceptions. Enough to believe! These myths can cost you strong sleep.

Myth number 1: "All mattresses are universal, so you can order any and not to suffer"

From buying online experts advise and abandon them at all.

From buying online experts advise and abandon them at all.

Okay, that mattresses may differ in the type of material and filler Most of us at least the edge of the ear, but heard. But that's not all. "Such a soft" bed of his beloved mother or girlfriend can be at all suitable for you. And all because the choice of the mattress should be influenced by many factors: not only brand and materials, but also growth, weight, age and state of health of the future user. There is no one universal model, which is ideal and teenage and a pensioner. Therefore, the most correct choice is to consult with a competent specialist.

Myth number 2: "The mattress without springs is not a mattress"

Springs - by no means a guarantee of quality.

Springs - by no means a guarantee of quality.

Mattress, and some more. There are other specialists and at all adhere to the opinions that the spring mattress is atavism and hello from the past. There are spring models, predominantly, more expensive, but from provisions in the middle ("The Effect of Hamamak") are not insured. Especially if the weight of the user exceeds 100 kg. In addition, the useful property of the "memorization of body shape" can be found just among the options without springs. So do not limit your searches only by classic models.

Myth # 3: "Being in the store 2 minutes can make the right choice"

Is that having coupled hours on 8 within a week.

Is that having coupled hours on 8 within a week.

Alas, such a test drive of the mattress is not at all indicative. The position of the body during sleep is very different from attempts to repeat it in the store. Yes, and go to the potential purchase of hours 5-8 will not clearly. What to do? Search for shops and brands that provide for refund or give a short time for testing. Yes, and there are such. And although the cost of such options can be slightly higher, it is better to be more nevertheless than then years to suffer as the princess on the pea.

Myth №4: "I often have a back hurt, show me a mattress righteous!"

Hard mattress does not guarantee to get rid of back pain.

Hard mattress does not guarantee to get rid of back pain.

Contrary to popular opinion, a hard mattress is not the best friend of healthy back. Specialists are recommended to look at the modeles of the average rigidity and the function of "memory". Because the best solution in this situation is a mattress that will save the spine in the most natural possible position, without unnecessary deflection. Not sleep on nails and boards.

Myth number 5: "A good mattress will serve 20 years old"

Together on the mattress will clearly fail.

Together on the mattress will clearly fail.

Alas, but changing the mattress once every 7-10 years. Even the most expensive and high quality. Because no model is insured against the loss of form and sagging. What is fraught with back pain, neck and spinal curvature.

Myth number 6: "You need to take a mattress with a lifelong warranty"

Nothing is eternal.

Nothing is eternal.

Another bad news, but the "lifelong guarantee" is just a marketing trick. Beautiful but misleading. Under a loud slogan hides the fact that the manufacturer guarantees the preservation of fillers (latex, hollofiber, polyurethane foam): it will not deteriorate and does not climb out. But the "warranty" does not apply to dents, holes or stains. So with these claims to return the mattress will definitely fail.

Myth number 7: "The mattress is unpretentious and does not require care"

He also needs care.

He also needs care.

No, the mattress is needed and "washed", and at least once a year to turn.

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