Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves


Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

Bright shawls with an interesting ornament have long been considered an excellent decoration for any woman. In the rainy seasons, they also protected from wind and cold. However, today many of us still use a scarf and cap instead of a header. Of course, if you have a beautiful, especially the Pavlopasadian handkerchief, you are unlikely to break out, even if you do not wear it. A good idea in this case can become a warm and beautiful handkerchief in what you will be worn, such as a vest or shirt. Just take a look at what bright and truly fascinating things from them are obtained.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

You will need:

  • scarf;
  • lining fabric;
  • sewing supplies;
  • paper;
  • Adhesive thermal stack

Of course, you first need to decide on the product, find and prepare a pattern for it. In our case, this is a vest.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

One of the most difficult moments when working with a handkerchief, decide on the fragments of the pattern that will go to work. However, one can make one very simple device - viewfinder. It will take a sheet of paper, suitable size, and pattern. Pattern without letters we supply on paper, and then cut out. As a result, we get this framework - viewfinder.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

Before proceeding with the search, the scarf must be folded either in half, or diagonally - so you will know exactly that the material is enough for both parts of the product.

Another important point that needs to be considered is an outdoor. It must be placed so that when sewing the drawing is not very broken. Therefore, it is better to place it inside the pattern, and not at the junction of the drawing and edging, for example.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

When you have decided on a fragment of the pattern, which you take to work, take a picture of it and how to fold 2 halves together, using the mirror effect. Thus, you can imagine what happens as a result and, perhaps, something will not suit you. In this case, you can easily be able to replay, without risking. When you are definitely sure in your choice, you can turn the handkerchief and make itching.

Next, on the pattern, cut out the part from the glue thermal staples also without spaces and glue it to the blackhead on the handkerchief. Without glue thermal blocks, it is not necessary to do here, since the rope of the scarf has a "loose" structure and without additional attachment can start crumbling. Finally, with a glued adhesive, cut out the part with the allowance. We prepare the second side of the shelf and sew all with the lining.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

If you have a big handkerchief, you can also sew a shirt. In this case, in this case, a similar vest method. As for the lining, it is worth making a shirt completely on the sublades.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

Another option to make a shirt is not completely "sweating", but only with the insert from the handkerchief.

Truly amazing and stylish things from old headscarves

And below you can see a detailed video on how to sew original things from the handles.

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