"Invisible" Apple Pie


That's completely invisible! Apple pies - a dangerous thing: it happens, you are interested in, eat five pieces at once, and then you cut off one more tiny, and still, and after a while with horror, you understand that the pies chopped in the last month - here they are, all on the waist, which is no longer It is placed in favorite jeans. Elevated, sublit Homemade apple pies ... how to keep if they are so fragrant, as if baked in paradise, and delicious, as if unearthly? The answer is obvious: do not resist. No need to mock your power of will, there is another solution: you can cook "Invisible" Apple Pies . Excellent compromise, I tell you! Pie? Yes. Apple? Of course. Cars on the waist of fat letters? Not-a. Imagine? Here it is, happiness in pure apple-pogs! The focus is that the test in this cake is much smaller than in ordinary pastries. Of course, you won't call it a completely low-calorie, but still the lack of lush forms attracts. It does not have to talk about the taste - it is flawless: "Invisible" Apple Pie In general, it seems to me vertex in a number of similar recipes.

5 curious facts about apples:

1. The homeland of this plant is the territory of modern Kazakhstan, the name of the city of Alma-Ata is literally translated as "Father of Apples".

2. The paradise garden has long been depicted in the form of an apple orchard. It was this fruit who was tasted at one time Adam and Eve.

3. The world leader in the production of apples is .... China!

4. In English, the word "apple" sounds like Apple, it happened on behalf of Apollo - it is believed that in ancient Greece this tree was the sacred tree of this God.

5. If you throw an apple into water, it will not drown - this fruit is 25% of air.

In general, the lyrics are enough, let's move to the kitchen and cook this beautiful "Invisible" Apple Pie because it is great, and every minute of delay retracts the time of your meeting with this miracle!

Ingredients for dough:

60 g of flour;

90 ml of milk;

70 g of sugar;

2 eggs;

4-5 apples;

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

1 tbsp. l. cognac;

1/2 h. L. soda;

1/2 h. L. salts;

Ingredients for fill:

30 g of butter;

2 tbsp. l. crushed nuts (I have whole cedar);

70 g of sugar;

1 egg.

Invisible apple pie.

We start with the test. We smash eggs.

Invisible apple pie.

We beat them to a significant breath (no magnificent foam is not needed, it is enough just that the eggs are afraid).

Invisible apple pie.

We add salt, soda, brandy (prerequisite condition - otherwise the finished pie will be more like a sweet omelet with apples), flour (I have an all-grain, I like it in this cake, you can take a similar number of usual). We pour oil.

Invisible apple pie.

And mix.

Invisible apple pie.

Clean apples, remove the core.

Invisible apple pie.

Cut the most thin slices. The thinner you devour, the "invisible" will be a cake.

Invisible apple pie.

Pour apples with dough. Mix.

Invisible apple pie.

We lay out the mass in the lubricated oil and piled up the baking shape.

Invisible apple pie.

We put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Invisible apple pie.

While the pie is stiff, prepare the bay. Clean the butter.

Invisible apple pie.

Add sugar, egg.

Invisible apple pie.


Invisible apple pie.

Pour the finished pie with the resulting mass, sprinkle nuts. We return to the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

Invisible apple pie.

We can only be tasting after complete cooling - in warm form, the cake will be very given eggs. But after night, for breakfast ... mmm, what a pleasure!

Invisible apple pie.

Bon Appetit!

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