How to hide even big scratches on leather things and not to spend


I fix even deep scratches on the skin.

The true nightmare of any shopaholic and shoe "maniac": exercise new shoes or elegant skin boots, and at the end of the day you notice a huge scratch. So it is possible to scream. Did you really throw it out? Not. Correct scratches using an elementary method. Checked for years!

The trouble with which it is not so easy to reconcile.

The trouble with which it is not so easy to reconcile.

Scratches on shoes happen. Even on the road and especially on the leather. If the skeleton or varnish is unable to correct the situation, you need to connect hard artillery. Or rather do it "Liquid skin". Do not be scared: it is much easier than it seems.

To make "liquid skin" yourself, prepare:

1. Something suitable for skin fragment from the product - "donor";

2. Technical solvent on a acetone basis (you can try even a means to remove varnish);

3. Pipette;

4. Spatula or acutely sharpened stationery knife.

Step 1: Search "Donor"

How to hide even big scratches on leather things and not to spend 5462_3

Borrow a little skin from the "donor"

To fix the scratch in a prominent place, you have to borrow a small piece of skin from the place of invisible. For example, with the inside of the boot, the collar of the jacket or with the inside of the lightning bags. Found? Excellent. Now the capnete (pipette to help) on the selected section of the "donor" solvent and after a couple of seconds, carefully lay it with a spatula.

Step 2: Replacement

How to hide even big scratches on leather things and not to spend 5462_4

Tool immediately apply "donor" scratch.

Now you have a small piece of leather on a sphateler or a knife (or even in your hands). Immediately take and apply it directly to the scratch you want to fix.

Compare the plots with a spatula or rigid sponge.

Compare the plots with a spatula or rigid sponge.

Rush "transplanted" a piece of skin by the same spatula or rigid sponge so that the edges are not noticeable. Let me dry the hour or polit all the product.

The result on the leather jacket.

The result on the leather jacket.

If you do everything neatly, no one will not even notice that on boots, a purse or jacket was scratching.

And here you can see Video lesson in which the shoe master explains in detail all the subtleties of the manufacture of "liquid skin" on its own.

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