How to make a delicious chocolate at home when generally laziness go to the store


More shopping chocolate.

More shopping chocolate.

Evening, cold, mood at zero - what are not good reasons to please yourself with chocolate? But the nearest supermarket is already closed, and it's not a hunt for dressing up to the street. So you do not need! Because it is possible to make a decent replacement chocolate without leaving home. It turns out even tastier than from the store!

When I really wanted sweet, find it.

When I really wanted sweet, find it.

The thirst for sweet attack suddenly, and at home, not a single candy in the "snack"? Quietly, do not fall into insulin panic. Go to the kitchen in a fascinating quest on the search for ingredients from this list. And if found, the chic dessert is already practically melting in your mouth. Here's how easy and quickly make home chocolate candies.

For chocolate candies "Home-One", prepare:

1. 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;

2. 50 g of butter;

3. 6-8 tablespoons of sugar;

4. 5 tablespoons of milk;

5. 1 teaspoon flour;

6. A quarter of a tablespoon of vanilla sugar (optional, but preferable);

7. At will, walnuts, finely chopped dried fruits or other filling.

At first - sugar and cocoa.

At first - sugar and cocoa.

1. Put sugar and cocoa in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of milk to them and mix well. After the mixture became homogeneous, add more than 4 spoons of milk and send to the middle fire, constantly stirring before boiling.

Then add the oil.

Then add the oil.

2. Lower the fire to a minimum, add creamy oil, mix and bring to a boil again.

Do not forget to mix.

Do not forget to mix.

3. Now it's time to remove the saucepan from the fire, but not long. Add a teaspoon of flour to almost already-chocolate, prevent. When the flour is completely dissolved, ignite the fire and bring the mixture to boil for the third time.

Pour in forms and wait.

Pour in forms and wait.

4. Turn off the stove, allow the mixture to cool. Add vanilla sugar and mix. Now you can pour chocolate into any mold, which is at hand (just do not forget to lubricate it with oil!) And send to the refrigerator for an hour or two. Want chocolate with nuts? Just put them in the form.

Perfect dessert!

Perfect dessert!

If in two hours your appetite is not sweet to sweet, you are quenched with a gentle chocolate, which is melted in the mouth.

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