White Fluffy Dandelion: Master Class


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Dandelion from the fabric, and rather a dandelion from threads. BUT

White fluffy dandelion. You can make your own hands for a gift, or for yourself. And you can make as a room design element

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Clip - Dandelion, Brooch - Dandelion ... Accessory on dress, bracelet or bag ...

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It looks very gentle and air ... He will definitely decorate your day and raise the mood

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I did for Kristini's doll. Make it !!!

So we will need:

1) Any very thin chiffon or organza. I have a 2 cm microworal width * 1 m

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2) Lesk Thick diameter: 0.06 mm I need to approximately 1m

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And begin the manufacturing process)

If the leak "mint" is smoothly smoothly with a weakly heated iron, simply stretching it under the iron.

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Lerke cut 2.5 cm

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2 cm

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This kit turned out.

We will need a hot silicone and a gun for him. Why it is hot silicone, and because it is very convenient for this procedure. He glures very well these materials, it will instantly dry, there is no smell. The product will immediately be ready for invented appointment.

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Let's start doing our seed with a white Khokholkom)) Our carving fabric pieces we divide on the string and fold on a piece of glass by forming a center in a pile. Like this.

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Then the needle is very well postpone.

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A piece of fishing line with a heated pistol droplet silicone,

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And very quickly press the center of our bunch of threads. Pretty pressed, keep 1 minute. Then gently remove from the glass.

It will be understood here why we will use Steklyshko, and because this glue is fine behind such a surface and the place itself looks neatly.

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Now threads that did not get into the center of the bunch and therefore were not glued, we definitely remove them. That later the flower does not face threads)

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Equal our edges with scissors.

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This is such a seedy. In the center you can stick rhinestones or beads imitating dew droplets ..

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Next we make a basket. Cut the circle with a diameter of about 7-8 cm and tighten it around the circumference.

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Put in synthepuch, or what do you have for packing ...

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Then to the prepared leg (you can cover the wire with a cloth) and to the prepared cup, we glue a well-hotly generated by our middle. Here in this order.

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The edges of the leaves would not be tremended, process a lighter or above the candle.

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Now our seeds are glued as well as to the middle of the hot silicone.

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You can glue from the center, or on one side to another, or as I, in a circle to the center. It seemed to me comfortable, easier to control the uniformity of the location.

I got 42 seeds. The diameter of the dandelion itself is about 9 cm.

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That's the way the dandelion turned out. White and fluffy)

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You can do in the fluffy and more.

What to achieve a specific size, you need to start making the way around. It is necessary to outline the desired size, outline the middle - a cup of appeal, make it ... And then measure how long the fishing line should be. And collect seeds.

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This is how the middle looks like, and frozen glue.

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Here is the original itself ... on him and our work was done)

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I hope you were understandable and interesting.

And a desire has appeared to make it)

Successful to you creations!

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