Embroidery beaded bee: master class


Embroidery beaded bee: master class

Today in our master class, an interesting topic - Embroidery beaded beads . We will learn to make the embroidery beads on the example of creating these insects. They will use for decorating postcards, as well as any surfaces (bags, cushion cases or clothing).

Tools and materials

  • Yellow and black beads;
  • thread and needle for working with beads;
  • Sequins with four petals (you can use sequins in the form of flowers, pre-cut off the fifth petal);
  • A piece of fabric for embroidery.

As you can see, the materials for work are the simplest and accessible to everyone. Sequins are sold by large packages for a small price, and then they can be used to decorate any clothing. The same with beads - then it can be used to deal, and weave some interesting flowers to arrange a brooch, bracelet or bright necklace.

Embroidery beaded beads

Embroidery beaded beads

Embroidery beaded beads

We hope we convinced you that even the materials purchased in a large number to create bee do not disappear. It's time to get to work.

Send a osteku

To the prepared piece of material, we first sew our sequenu with a sliced ​​fifth petal. It will denote the bee wings. Selects a sewing pair of stitches with one and on the other hand. The game must go on one side of the sequence, and we send it to the center (there is just a special hole).

Next, we send a needle from the wrong side to the other side of the flower, output on the front, and send it back to the central hole.

Embroidery beaded beads

Send beads

Following the thread we ride one yellow bead, one black and one more yellow, and send the thread into the cloth, on the other side of the sewn petals. We spend several times on the crawled bispers to secure them in your work.

Embroidery beaded beads

Embroidery beaded beads

Embroide the bee mustache

With the help of a black thread, embroider a pair of mustache (although this stage can be skipped) and get ready-made bee.

Embroidery beaded beads

Such little bees can be sewed as much as the surface. Very good embroidery will look in combination with floral print or embroidered flowers on a bag and blouse. You can also make a flower-made handmade card.

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