That the staff cafes is putting into a dishwasher and why it does not hurt to make the same


That the staff cafes is putting into a dishwasher and why it does not hurt to make the same 5356_1

The trick for a dishwasher spied in "Cash".

The dishwasher is no longer a luxury, but the need for every modern house. Especially if a big family lives in it. But even so useful household appliances are not perfect. And on freshly made dishes can easily leave soap divorces, or even whole pieces of food. In order not to do everything with his arms, in many cafes use one small trick. Try and you put it in a typewriter and evaluate the result.

Even the newest dishwasher does not always cope perfectly.

Even the newest dishwasher does not always cope perfectly.

With a new dishwasher, you always have to experiment a little. And to expose it with harsh tests of dirty plates until you find the perfect mode and a decent detergent. Noticed that after washing on the dishes there are unpleasant soap divorces or a fatty film? Then do, like many catering workers. Put in the dressing tray for the dishes of the lemon.

Lemon's crust will help to cope with soaps and traces of fat.

Lemon's crust will help to cope with soaps and fat traces

Actually, it may not even be a lemon, but an orange or lime - any representative of citrus, which was at hand. But necessarily with a large number of skins. Because it is in the grade and soft skin under it containing the maximum number of citric acid. It has an acid-alkaline PH 2 level, and therefore it copes perfectly with soap divorces and sediment from rigid water, dissolves fat.

Lemonic acid is already part of many means for dishwasher.

Lemonic acid is already part of many means for dishwasher.

In addition, citric acid is part of many "tablets" and gels for the dishwasher. So natural zest significantly increases their effectiveness. Well, a fresh not chemical fragrance will become a pleasant bonus.

But with silver you need to be careful.

But with silver you need to be careful.

Is there a "contraindications"? Only one thing: acid is not very friendly with natural silver and aluminum. What should be taken into account when choosing a cleaning agent. And otherwise - works like a clock.

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