Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness


Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

The dress is definitely one of the most feminine items of the wardrobe. For summer, it's just a discovery, since correctly selected accessories will help with one dress create various images. I offer you the simplest patterns of lung dresses.

How to sew a summer dress with their own hands?

pay attention to One-piece types of dresses.

Such dresses. At the same time, such dresses go to any type of FIG. FIGS are easy and quickly, the flaws of the lecturers are visible on them the fewer tinsel, they will decorate a woman of any age.

Fabrics for dresses such a configuration should choose the flowing, well draped, soft.

Removing measure

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

We will need the following measurements:

  • Head girth is required for many models to design the neckline;
  • chest girth;
  • waist girth;
  • Hacking hips for most one-piece dresses the fundamental size;
  • Product length on the back;
  • The height of the armor;
  • the length of the sleeve;
  • sleeve width;
  • Boc height.

In addition, taking into account the features of the figure, it is customary to use the wording "Girth of the widest part of the body".

Important! We choose the volume of hips or chest, which is more, then use to build.

Dress with oval neck

Decorative trim, neck, neck and lower sleeves.

It is built on the basis of a rectangle, the difference between the back and shelf is only in the depths of the neck, although it is possible to make it the same in front and rear.

We build pattern, based on the hovering hone and the length of the sleeve.

The width of the sleeves is chosen in the range of 25-30 cm.

On the line sleeveless bend or seam, at will.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Craw details:

  • The main part is one with a fold or two;
  • Harlings of the neck - 2 details.


  1. Build a drawing.
  2. Cut.
  3. We decompose on the fabric, hover. Points on the seam 1-2 cm, on the alert 3-4 cm.
  4. We cross the shoulder seams if you have two details.
  5. We sew lateral seams.
  6. We bring the allowances on the sleeves, we flash.
  7. Decorating the braid.
  8. We proceed with a neck with a slap.
  9. Decorating the braid.
  10. We bring the hem, we flash.
  11. Decorating the braid.

Open-rized dress with a belt

Belt from the tissue of contrasting color, we perform the same material and oblique bay of sleeves.

The neck is not carved, it is just an unimbled section of the top of the dress. Its width is equal to half of the scuffing of the head. The obtachka is not required, it is enough to pass into the seam, then flash it.

The pattern is constructed, based on the girth of the widest part of the body and the height of the armor. The width of the sleeve is equal to the height of the armor.

Number of blanks: 2 identical for the back and shelf.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness


  1. Draw a pattern according to your size.
  2. We decompose on the tissue, hide.
  3. Locking on the shoulder seams - 5 cm, the rest as in the previous model.
  4. Cut.
  5. Stop shoulder seam.
  6. Filling the allowance.
  7. We perform a tent of the seam in the neck.
  8. Still side seams.
  9. We proceed the sleeves oblique baker or cuffs of contrast fabric. The cuff is exhibited at will, width 2-3 cm, the length is equal to the sleeve width.
  10. Penate, then process the bottom of the dress.
  11. Refuel.
  12. Strip the belt, the length of which is equal to the waist girth, plus the length for tying.
  13. If necessary, duplicate the flazelin belt.
  14. Stitch, leaving a small plot free.
  15. Soak.
  16. We sew the rest.
  17. Refuel.

Floor dress (maxi)

Long dress with insert in front and with square neckline. Shelter from fabrics - companions. Sleeve is broken, long, consider it with string. Although, if desired, the sleeves can be carved separately.

On the back insert you can not do.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness


  • Back - 1 part with a fold.
  • Side shelves - 2 details.
  • Insert - one detail with a fold. Wider the main part of 5 cm.
  • Cuff - 2/3 from the width of the sleeve.
  • We make pattern.
  • We declare pamal on matter.
  • Check, do not forget about the allowances.
  • Cut.
  • We sew insert.
  • We flash the shoulder seam.
  • Side. If the sleeve was swallowed, we flash his side seams, then sew the sleeve.
  • Send cuffs.
  • Processing the hem.
  • In a convenient way, we proceed the neck - wrap or bay.
  • Weeping.

Long dress with short sleeves

Lit and sewn similarly to previous models, but shorter and without insertion.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Short trapezium dress (mini)

The clock is similar, but on the edge of the dress, we carry out the magnitude of the length of the sleeves, or more.

Through the neck treatment with decorative braid.

The order of work repeats the previous models.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Dress with sleeves-wings and anted skirt

Sleeve, as well as a hem along the edge of indirect.

In the side seam for convenience, you can make a zipper.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

In general, the work repeats the previous ones, but it is necessary to connect with smooth round lines of the extreme points of the polola to obtain an oval, and the remote point of the sleeves with the arm height line.

Sleeveless Dress A-Silhouette (Trapeze)

The neck is cut on your taste.

The armies together with the neck are processed by a common slap.

The hem was broken.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Pockets process "into the frame" or cut out overhead arbitrary forms.

All work is performed similar to the previous one.

Tip! To process sections of all models, it is advisable to use Overlock. With its help, the soft cloth can be sewn if you turn the parts folded twice.

Two youth models without pattern

You choose the length yourself, the width is your standards plus 10-20 cm for free felting.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

The cashevaya model is strong, behind the floor length, but can be changed at will.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Methods of treating the neck

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

Processing Pockets

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

All presented dresses are performed within two hours, they do not require special skills.

Summer dresses that can be sewn in 2 hours. Simple patterns for girls of pleasant fullness

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