Why on a computer cable cylinder, and why you need to choose it with double caution


What is this thing and why is it needed?

What is this thing and why is it needed?

We are surrounded by things, about the appointment of which we do not even guess. Moreover, we simply do not think. And one such example is certainly right now in your nose. If you read these lines from the laptop screen, then look at its power supply. See the cylinder on the wire? What he hides and why he needs it, find out below.

You could see it, but not to notice.

You could see it, but not to notice.

Each computer is a very noisy device. Even if you do not listen to music and do not look at the new episode of the "Games of the Thrones", it still proacts the noise - electromagnetic. Moreover: did you know that the computer's charger wire is an antenna? And it actively emits interference generated inside the computer, to the external environment. So that this circumstance does not greatly spoil your life and pleasure from work, cable and provided a cylinder with a nozzle.

Inside the ferrite filter.

Inside the ferrite filter.

This barrel is called Ferrite filter or Ferrite Ring . If you can cut it in half, then inside discover a piece of metal. Ferrite consists of a chemical compound of iron oxide with oxides of other metals, which has unique magnetic properties and low electrical conductivity. It increases the inductance of the wire and thereby suppresses high-frequency interference.

Cable with a fever does not even especially need a filter.

Cable with a fever does not even especially need a filter.

But let's go to the human language. What happens if you choose a wire without such a filter? If the cable has a fever - then nothing. And otherwise, frequent interference is possible in the image on the "no visible cause" screen, as well as the annoyable background sound published by the wire. It seems to be trivia, but if you endure it all day, then it annoys it great.

Beware of pacifiers.

Beware of pacifiers.

Therefore, it is better to choose a charger, which has a cable either a fever or a ferrite filter. But here you need to be attentive: many of the charging of Chinese origin are equipped with a cherished barrel. That's just inside - nothing, dummy. So as not to run into such a lingerie, Before buying neatly knock on the filter. And if "on the knock" it seems absolutely hollow, it is better to think twice and see other options.

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