Culinary cunning, how to defrost meat to dinner in just five minutes


How to defrost meat quickly and without problems.

How to defrost meat quickly and without problems.

Who will refuse a juicy steak or home cutlets for dinner? Vegetarians, but this material is definitely not for them. And for those who came home after a long day, want to relax and not spend a lot of strength to cook. So that the carrots were less and did not have to wait for the reassembly of meat, try one little trick. With her, even Kila Miner "melts" in a matter of minutes.

When waiting not to do not in mog.

When waiting not to do not in mog.

Cooking meat dishes would go much faster if it were not necessary to spend a bunch of time for defrosting. Of course, you can use a microwave oven for this purpose. But professional cooks strongly do not recommend this, and the Employees of Santsans with them are solidar: the defrosting of high temperatures leads to the reproduction of potentially dangerous bacteria. Yes, and the meat begins to literally prepare outside, staying raw inside. It is much more useful and more efficient to use this little trick.

To quickly defrost, even a large piece of meat, make this:

Step 1

Culinary cunning, how to defrost meat to dinner in just five minutes

"Watch" in plastic.

Get meat from the freezer and make sure that it will certainly be in plastic packaging. If its integrity is broken, wrap in additionally in the package or food film.

Step 2.

Fill with a saucepan with water.

Fill with a saucepan with water.

Take a large saucepan and fill it with water. Optionally hot - room temperature will be just right.

Step 3.



Meat (or minced meat) Put on a metal baking sheet for the oven. And from above, press the saucepan with water.

Wait at all for a long time.

Wait at all for a long time.

Already in 5-15 minutes (and depending on the size and, most importantly, the thickness of the meat) product will be completely dropped and ready for heat treatment. It's all about combining pressure from the press and warmth, which literally falls into the trap between two metal plates and evenly warms the meat. At the same time, not starting to "cook" it.

This trick will save you a lot of time, and meat dishes will make more tastier.

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