How to make the table in the gazebo of the girlfriend?



Many people perceive wooden pallets as something second-time, which is not worthy of the attention of the township. They are used by transport services in order to safely carry cargo. Pallets have many preferential sides, but most importantly, they are durable and worth a penny. You can buy for a couple of thousand almost a hundred pallets and use them to make absolutely anything for giving. Moreover, then it is not necessary to clean it all, in the next season it will be possible to build new furniture and comfortable things from pallets.

What will be required to create a table in a gazebo of pallets?

How to make the table in the gazebo of the girlfriend?

The table creation procedure is quite simple and will need quite a few materials. From the pallets with ease, you can collect a durable bed, sofa, chairs, tables, even gazebos and benches for kindergarten in the country. In order to make a big and comfortable table for the country gazebos, so that the whole family is placed behind him, the following will be required:

  1. Several pallets of wood.
  2. Screwdriver with screws.
  3. Wooden varnish.

Thus, you can make almost anything from the pallets from the tree. Including a fairly large table. And for this you will not need to use even a saw, which is not everyone knows how to use. It is enough to have only a powerful screwdriver and long screws for CSOs to collect a durable and high-quality large table for the whole family would be gathered.

Table manufacturing process for gazebo

In the summer, at the cottage, all family members prefer to gather together at one table. Of course, you can buy a table in the store and deliver it with difficulty in the country where it can be collected by common efforts. But this approach is dear and time consuming. Using wooden pallets, you can immediately kill two bosses, solve the problem with the difficulty of delivery of the table and make the fastest table of any size. By adding new pallets, you can expand the table to the size, which is suitable in order for the shadow of the roof of the arbor as many people can be gathered in the country.

Pallets are made of pure wood, and therefore you can talk with complete confidence that the table will turn out of the tree, and not from composite chipboard or plywood. With pallets it is very easy to handle, therefore the process of assembling the table, if all family members take part in it, may take an hour or a little more. First you need to clean all pallets from dirt. They can even wash and it will not affect the structure of the wood. True, then it is better to dry under the sun. After removing the dirt, you can start the assembly process.

The table will be the standard design - long base and four legs. You can adjust the length of the legs by the number of pallets used. If you need a table with long legs, then on each side you will have to attach four pallets by covering them two pieces. With the help of a screwdriver, the process will accelerate.

The base of the table is made as follows, several pallets from the tree are taken and laid out in the form of a rectangle. Screw them with screws. But this is the bottom layer of the table, since it is still necessary to put it, it is desirable perpendicular to the layer of pallets for strength. All pallets are fastened with screws. You can, if you wish, use wooden slats that could enhance the design of the table, enhance pallets bonding, but it will take over time. You can be sure that wooden pallets are bonded by ordinary screws, if they are correctly copped, they will create a monolithic string design.

Thus, if there is still time and desire, you can still build from the pallets even additionally the arbor, it will turn out to be the same durable and beautiful as the table. True, in this case, you will have to use wooden thick rails to strengthen the construction of a pallet arbor.

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