How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes


A warm drink is not necessarily at least 40 minutes to keep in a refrigeration or freezer to cool it. There are tricks that allow you to cool the liquid in just a few minutes and even without the participation of the refrigerator. There are methods that are relevant in nature when neither ice or a cooling bag, but there are Lifehaki, which will help to quickly prepare for the arrival of guests. A complete arsenal of useful tips will help become a real master of cold drinks.

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

1. How to cool the drink in 2 minutes?

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

This proven lifehak is a real salvation in summer heat.

In summer, few people will prefer the warm drink instead of a cool liquid. Cold drink immediately lowers body temperature to comfortable. But what to do, if the guests are already on the way or you returned from the heat on the street, do you forget home drinks in advance to the refrigerator? Do not panic, because one simple lifehak will help to cool down any drink in just a couple of minutes even without refrigerator. It will take a saucepan or another large container in which the bottle, ice cubes and the usual salt will fit. It is better that the containers have the walls are thorough and better thermal insulation properties.

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

To cool a large amount of drinks, you can use a bath.

Fill the container with water and add more ice cubes. Perfect proportion 1: 1. We add to the water a pinch or a handful of salt, depending on the volume of water. We put in the resulting solution of drinks and begin to quickly mix the water. Due to the accelerated movements, the heat from the drink will move to the solution, and the bottle itself is cooled in a couple of minutes. An important addition: if you cooled a carbonated drink, then before use, he needs to give a little to stand.

Physics can work wonders. Salt granules in water are split into chlorine and sodium ions. Water molecules are distributed between them. This task requires the tremendous costs of thermal energy of water, due to which the temperature of any contacting items with cold water is automatically reduced.

2. There is a paper towel

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

Do not underestimate the role of a paper towel in the cooling of beverages.

Cooling with a wet paper towel is one of the best methods for preparing drinks to use. Wrapped in the water paper towel you need to completely wrap the drink. The alliance obtained needs to be sent to the freezer for 15 minutes. After the desired time, the paper towel will be slightly frozen, but it will still be easily removed. But if you leave it on the bottle, it will remain chilled longer.

Important: In any of the described methods, there is a simple rule - the smaller the bottle with the cooled drink and the less fluid in it, the faster it is cooled.

3. Cooling beverages in nature

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

In nature, all the ways of cooling are good.

The bottle needs to wrap the cloth. If there is nothing suitable if there is nothing suitable, you can even use a toe from your feet. A wrapped bottle must be well mixed in water and hang on a draft or in the wind. The drink will cool quickly, especially if the wind is strong. Glass bottles are best cooled in this way.

4. Spectacular cooling method

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

Unusual set of objects and cold drinks.

If there is nothing more suitable for cooling, then you need to go to the store for inventory. In the supermarket, you can find a sphailed air can, which is sold along with a tube, which is not so expensive, but in nature it will not be superfluous. Additionally, a plastic container and tape will need to cool the beverages. In the lateral part of the container you need to make a small hole, which will correspond to the diameter of the tube. The tube put on the place prepared to her, inside the container we put the bottles for cooling and close the lid, which is carefully fixed with a scotch. Now with the help of the canister fill the air container. Here the physics will work again and in a minute all drinks inside the container will be cold.

5. Cold - in Earth

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

If there is no alternative method of cooling drinks, they can be drunk to the ground.

This method allows drinks to remain cool as long as possible, although it does not quickly cool them. It is best to organize a kind of "refrigeration" in the shade, in a wet soil next to the river or other reservoir. Drinks need to be placed in the dug deepening, and then bury completely or partially.

6. Evaluation action

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

Newspapers in nature not only for extracts will be useful.

You can use the newspaper for extracts for another useful business - to quickly cool the heated drinks. We have a few pieces with a newspaper, wet the water, and then apply to the bottle, completely covered it. It is possible to enjoy the cool drink when all the pieces of paper are dried. The evaporating moisture will cool the liquid.

7. Drinks in glasses

How to cool the liquid in a couple of minutes

The smaller the fluid, the faster it is cooled.

The main laws of physics are familiar to many, but in the fuss of everyday life they often forget about them. And it is not worth it, after after, putting the drinks in the fridge, spilled immediately into glasses or glasses, you can quickly achieve the desired effect.

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