15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer


15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

What could be easier than to dry hair after the shower and put? But it turns out, and there is its wisdom: the distance between the hairdryer and hair, the temperature and even the direction of the air flow are important.

1. Impact hair only hot air

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Almost all the hair dryers have cold air mode, and this is not a manufacturer's error. Move the regulator to the "frosty" mark to secure the laying result. The impact of coolness will brake the evaporation of moisture, it means that the curls will last longer. By the way, it is an additional prevention of the sequential ends.

2. Choose the wrong direction of air

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Dry the hair from the roots to the ends, in the direction of hair growth. Otherwise, the scales, of which the cuticle consists, will open, the hair is fluffy and start clinging for each other. If you dry the curls from the roots to the tips, then the scales, on the contrary, will be connected together and add a natural shine hairstyle.

3. Incorrect Hold Fen

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Keep hair dryer seems quite natural - so many do it. And in vain, because to form laying or distributing strands, you need a dexterity of just this hand. This will better control the process, it is more efficient to work the comb and ultimately spend less effort.

4. pull hair down

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

You do not need to hold your hair for the tips: when drying it only reduces the potential volume. Pull your hand up, pick up the hair tips on the hair and aiming a jet of warm air to a strand. Hairstyle will be volumetric, but at the same time smooth and "alive."

5. Hold the hairdryer too close to the head

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

If you arrange a hairdryer in close proximity to the hair, you can not only gradually make them more fragile, but also get a scalp burn burn. 30 cm - this clearance is recommended to maintain between the hairdryer and head. How to measure them? Just hold the device plus-minus at a distance of an elongated hand.

6. Do not share hair on the zones

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Usually we envy the whole shop at once, chaotic moving the hairdryer then there, then here. The process will go faster and will be even more efficient if divided the hair on 4-5 zones, fixing each hairpin. You can make 2 probes: vertical (from forehead to neck) and horizontal (from ear to ear).

7. Too long stay hair in a towel

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Do not dry your hair with a towel more than 30 minutes, especially if it is made of cotton. Particles of this fabric create the friction effect and make hair more vulnerable at the subsequent dryer dryer. Choose a softer microfiber towel and leave your hair in it no longer than 10 minutes. An important nuance: Before using the hair dryer, thick and thick hair should be dry about half, while thin or medium thickness - by 80%.

8. Forget about thermal protection

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Actual for those who go on a hairdryer once a week and more often. Apply thermal protection on hair to protect them from possible damage when exposed to hot air. Such means can be washed and immentable. The first includes shampoos and air conditioners with thermal protection properties, to the second - sprays, creams and oils.

You need to choose thermal protection depending on the type of hair. Holders of dry hair better avoid alcohol based products. If you have fatty or normal hair, do not buy oil based products.

9. Do not use the hub-hub

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

We are talking about a flat nozzle, over the purpose of which many of us broke their heads. This little baby helps to accurately direct the air flow to a specific strand. The result is less than confused curls and split tips, hair is protected from overheating. And if you send the air to the roots, it will give the chapelur an additional volume.

10. Torch to go outside

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

After you have finished styling hair with a hairdryer, stay in the room for some time. The sharp change of temperature will negatively affect not only on the volume. Such drops do not go to the favor of the scalp.

11. We start drying from the diffuser

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

This increases the likelihood of the appearance of sequential tips and confusion almost 2 times: wet hair is more brittle, at high speed drying the chance to injure them above. Start with an ordinary nozzle at low speed and average temperature. After a while you can switch to the diffuser.

12. We do not pay attention to the material of the nozzles

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

The nozzles for the hair dryer can be made of metal, ceramics or plastic. The first help to make a more accurate laying, but the metal heats up faster, and this is an additional factor of hair damage. Use a metal nozzle for special occasions. For daily drying it is better to stop the choice on plastic or ceramic. In addition, they are well separated by the hair and evenly warm the hair.

13. Do not clean the hairdryer

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

Never cleaned a bag of a hair dryer? It's time to do this, because contamination is harmful not only to the device, but also hair. In the holes, parts of the means for laying, dust, dirt and so on. Accumulating, they make it difficult to pass the air, the temperature inside the hair dryer grows - he can light up or simply break.

Hair dryer must be cleaned from dirt regularly: if you use it once a week - spend the hygienic procedure monthly. More often - once every 2 weeks.

14. His hair at the maximum temperature

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

One of the main mistakes: hair is cut and become more brittle. This weakly accelerates the process, so it is worth setting a maximum temperature only in extreme cases - for example, if you have curls that are hard to straighten or you decide to make a superserry laying. In other situations, it is better to limit the average temperature.

15. Fix the hairdryer in one position

15 errors that we all admit when we use a hairdryer

It would seem that it is obvious, but some dried the hair, literally frozen with a hairdryer in her hand. The tool must constantly move, change the angle, move around the head. So you will get pure and dry hair or beautiful laying much faster.

And what lifehaki on the use of the hair dryer do you apply?

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