Plate Cleaning Means: Modern VS Babyskina Recipes


Plate Cleaning Means: Modern VS Babyskina Recipes

If you make a rating of surfaces that require daily attention in the kitchen, the stove will confidently enter the top three leaders. During the cooking on it, oil splashes, microscopic fat droplets, not to mention the "fueling" boosher, etc. In addition, the apron, the floor and lockers are usually suffering from the plate from the slab.

Who at least once came across these pollution, he knows that they must be cleaned immediately. However, this is not always done to do this.

To the weekend on the stove forms a difficult-scale still life of formed spots, and it will not be possible to quickly cope without special cleaning products with him. And here there are two options for action:

  1. purchase a special means for cleaning the plates;
  2. Remember what they did in such cases a mother or grandmother and use the remedies.

I would like to add the third: to smear your hand to dirt and live in pleasure, but you all know that it will lead to the apocalypse in the apartment.

So it does not matter whether you are creating at the stove, or it is for you a daily grave service, it will still have to be cleaned regularly.

How to choose household chemicals for cleaning plates

Almost every bottle there is a picture of a radiant kitchen, and advertising promises that it is this "ideal assistant in the kitchen." This is not to spend crazy for a bunch of unsuccessful and inefficient bubbles, when buying a cleaning agent for the stove, pay attention to the following details:

  • Type of surface. For what type of surface it is intended. Responsible manufacturers always indicate whether the formula is suitable for glass-ceramic, aluminum, chrome or teflon parts.
  • Special or universal , only for one type of surfaces

    (plate or sink), and maybe for all right? Here it is necessary to be guided by the degree of pollution of the room, because universal means often have a softer composition.

  • Choose greasedellers. It is these products that will make you forget about unpleasant in-law and sticky or oily formations in the kitchen.
  • Release form: Foam, powder, liquid sprays and melamine sponges.

Foam, liquid or powder? Choose a comfortable floor with fat.

1. Foamy funds Equally convenient for both vertical and horizontal surfaces. If you apply them to apron, hood or facades of cabinets, then they will remain in place, and do not run down the streams down by adding work.

They do not contain abrasive particles, because the mechanical method of cleaning, with a long rubbing plate, went into the past.

The principle of operation of modern compositions is based on the reaction between active substances and pollution, which will allow your slab to brilliance in minutes.

One of the means used to care for cooking surfaces is extra foam noise. It foams during splashing, increasing in volume, so one bottle is enough for a long time. The active components of the means begin to act within a few seconds after applying, so cleaning the plate takes no more pair of minutes.

2. Powders Attract in an inexpensive price and efficiency, but contain abrasive particles. When friction, they leave microarthy and reduce the service life of the slab. The surface inevitably loses its attractive look, begins to look untidy.

Examples of inexpensive powdered foods for the kitchen can be a long-known pematux and soda.

3. Greasedels sprays There are two advantages at once:

  • They evenly cover the large area;
  • Provide less consumption due to nozzles for spraying.

An excellent means for the slab in the form of a spray from the Israeli manufacturer Bagi is the grease adultery of the hype. It copes even with the soased burnt stains on the plates, windscalkers, hoods and rightly on the first lines of the national rating. The hostess also often use it when cleaning the dishes, pans and a saucepan. Fat and naars dissolve and are easily removed by the usual soft cloth. This is a reliable assistant and in emergency situations, for example, when you need to wash a very neglected kitchen after moving.

Among the disadvantages of such highly efficient means for plates are sometimes called strong smell and cost. As for the smell, it is rather plus, because Warns you that in no case cannot inhale the pairs of chemicals. This rule is not so obvious if the cleaning fluid has an aroma of lavender or lemon. The question is solved by elemental ventilation of the kitchen for 5-10 minutes.

The cost of funds is usually directly in proportion to its flow. In stamps with the price above the average, the higher concentration of active working components, which significantly increases the amount of cleaning, which you spend with one bottle. In addition, you save half an hour and hour of your life, and minutes spent with the family or for your favorite hobby is much more important (for clarity, you can even recalculate how much time is your working time).

Do not forget to wear shopping gloves while working with cleaning agents!

4. Melamine sponges Also suitable for cleaning the plate. They are not bad clean a variety of pollution, including fat, however, they abridge for 1-2 general cleaning and crumble that, agree, sometimes levels the results of the applied effort.

Prudial, or folk, means to fight for cleanliness in the kitchen

Household chemicals appeared on our shelves not so long ago, but people always strove to clean in the kitchen. What and how the maternity owners continue to use.

  • Vinegar Recommended to apply to dried spots and leave for a long time: from 20 minutes to several hours.
  • Cashier from food soda Quickly copes with tea plaque on ceramic circles, but it is undesirable to apply on modern cooking surfaces, because It not only cleans, but also scratches. The same can be said about salt.
  • Solution of ammonia alcohol It is considered a universal means, but, alas, still loses on the effectiveness of modern chemistry. Moreover, it has a persistent odor and does not act immediately, in the case of a stove it is not always convenient.
  • The effect of lemon juice Conducted to the acid contained in it, but it is not strong enough to remove the old flair of fat.

During the times of Russian furnaces and cooking on a fire, the remains of food simply burned with a flame dishes. Is it worth saying that this is a very dangerous reception in an apartment?

Soda, vinegar and lemon are, probably, everyone, but are you ready:

  • expect until this natural grease adultery will affect;
  • repeat the procedure several times;
  • risk the preservation of the hob, applying soda or salt;
  • constantly buy these remedies, because Are their consumption significantly more?

Many modern chemicals have passed voluntary certification "Rostost", and therefore comply with quality and safety standards. Although the gipowdaler shumanit from Bagi invariably occupies the first lines of the national vote, because it copes with its tasks not only in good faith, but literally in a few minutes. And what else is required in the era of supercords?

The choice is undoubtedly only for you. Although by and large, it does not matter how the plate shine is achieved, the main thing is that you are satisfied with the means and the result.

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