The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours


If you want to update the interior in the room or make a small cosmetic repairs, but you do not want to cross all the wallpapers, pay attention to this idea. The master came up with an easy way, as you can constantly update the wallpaper, and quite fiscal, and not spend on it all day - enough 1.5-2 hours of your work, and wallpapers will be updated in the whole room!

The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours

So, to remove these already glued wallpapers, you will need only a bottle with a pulverizer and simple water. Spray them on the surface and remove ... fabric wallpaper!

The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours

The master uses an ordinary cotton fabric that gloves over existing wallpaper. This method allows you to quickly update the interior and, moreover, choose new wallpapers at any time when you feel that the old has already become. So, the next step is the master erase the cloth in the water with a powder for manual washing. After that, the fabric will look brighter, there will be no dust on it.

The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours

Next, you need to prepare "glue" for fabric wallpaper. The best, cheap and environmentally friendly option is ordinary potato starch. 1 tbsp. l. Starch dissolve in a small amount of water, then pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wallpaper gluing solution is ready! Nothing needs to be applied to the wall - just plunge the fabric into the cooled water with the starch, lick and stick to the wall over the wallpaper.

The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours
The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours

The work is very simple, and the result is really impressive!

The master invented a simple way how to update the wallpaper - budget and in a couple of hours

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