Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental


Easter green spring - it sounds so surprising! Two events merged together, and both of them - the holidays of life. We offer you ideas for registration of Easter baskets, cakes and garden floral compositions of a passionated flower and florist - Elena Parental. At the end of the article - the most interesting recipe for the traditional Italian silence!


In my garden, the approximation of these two holidays - Spring and Easter - begins with sparkling on the blue sky "Cotes" willow. This is the first garden joy.

How to use Verq in Easter compositions

The willow easily drawn up, I would say that she has 99% of the cuttings, it makes it easy - my willow is grown out of twigs. In addition to sparkling silver "Rosinki", it is still beautiful and the color of the crust of young growth. He, almost like decorative varieties of dend, wine-red. Later on the bush appear a little exotic species, in shape resembling oblong leaves of the eucalyptus. A bush needs a few years in rejuvenating trimming.

The fact that the willow grows in the swamp is an erroneous opinion. It is sensitive to long standing groundwater, so it is advisable to find a wet garden in the garden, but without winding.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental

Without water, indoors, sprigs, decorated with silver fluffs, can stand for more than a year. There are such information I collected about the arrivals for about a decade of her stay in the garden. Thanks to her, I am always provided with a bouquet on the Palm Sunday, decoration of the table and a festive interior, material for the spring decor.

Spring Floristics Trends: Eco Materials

For a long winter, I passed all the innovations of spring floristics and selected new ideas. All this is easily accessible, so popular now, eco-materials. Mal rattles, but superpositionive!

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental

If we generalize the trends of eco-floristics, then the most popular topics now:

1 moss - excellent eco-material, the basis for all different combinations.

2 glass - reminds of ice (because spring is such a border season between winter and summer), protects flowers from the wind, performs the role of shirma (it has long been noticed that it is interesting to consider something in particular interesting)

3 colors and tones - without borders. Even so: white, black, yellow. Golden is widely used, oddly enough, because it is more suitable for the winter.

4 What should I strive for, in addition to the basics of the composition: to light negligents, a variety of forms.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental
The composition in which the cup includes a socket at the top, I jokingly called "when did not have time to drink coffee."

You can decorate a container or a vase with flowers by creating a container of moss, bark, cones, auxilies, eggs. I called this song "Spring Forest". It is very easy to do. On the perimeter of the vase or container placed moss and fixed with the wire: screw it up around the moss form, and then fasten the decoration on the glue. Often the bark itself rolls into the tube, from it you can make a small scroll.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental

Another light composition is with an egg from any branches. All that will need - branches and floristic wire. Its center will be a flower, for example, in a basket or a bucket.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental

Easter and flowers

On the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection Home Composition - Basket of the believer garden. Baskets are always available in my garden arsenal and are very convenient for this purpose. The most important thing in it is cake, decorated with dried ducts grown in the garden: Viola, Lavanda and Roses. In addition, in it or on a festive table, it is possible to detect not at all obligatory, but such

Relevant young grass.

I'll tell you how to grow it. Seeds for cats for cats are sold in pet stores, in supermarkets - whole grain of oats and wheat for germination. This time I bought food for medium parrots and worked a little Cinderella, fed only wheat, oats and millet. It is the opinion that Oats is the most beautiful cereal for these purposes and, by the way, the most beloved cats.

At his experience, I was convinced that the grain is better to put in several layers, a total of about a centimeter thick. So the "Lawnik for Easter" will be thicker. I germed the seeds in the container, on the bottom of which laid from 4 to 6 layers of gauze and from above - one. Marley should be constantly wet, as well as seeds, but do not swim in the water. For about four days they germinate, and then every day we grow like on yeast.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental

The grass can be placed on the table in pots, small baskets and trays, add gypsophile to it, decompose eggs and place porcelain or chocolate bunnies.

The second, no less important after the silence, filling is painted eggs. I first steal a towel, I put a shallow plate at him, in the middle - cake, and around, as a framing, multicolored eggs, around herb.

In Kulich and eggs, I designate the greeting "Christ Risen!". There are only two letters, but they talk about the spiritual essence of the holiday and involvement in Him.

Especially for readers SUPERSADOVNIK.RU Recipe for Kick!

This is Milan dessert Pannetone. I can say for sure that it is tastier many shops. Juicy, wet, the more Toping, the more tastier.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental


  • Wheat flour V.S. 600 g
  • Dry yeast 1 tbsp.
  • Warm water 200 g
  • Sugar 100 g
  • Yolks 2 pcs.
  • Yoghurt unsweetened 0.5 glasses
  • Vanilla extract 1 tsp.
  • Lemon zest 1 tbsp.
  • Raisin 100 g
  • Dried currant
I prepared this time with raisins and cranberries, without lemon zest.

How to cook:

We drag the yeast in warm water, add some sugar. We put a layer in a warm place for 20 minutes, the yeast must "go." Add yolk, yogurt, softened butter, vanilla, lemon zest, pinch salt and enter the flour gradually. We mix soft and elastic dough. We put the dough into a warm place in order for it to come.

Dried fruits sprinkle with sugar powder and pour into the finished dough, wash. Put the dough into the baking shape. We leave the dough again approached. We bake at 175 ° C for 45 minutes. Readiness to check the wooden stick.

Recipe glaze. Skin glaze for cakes. Ingredients: 1 egg protein, 100-120 g of powdered sugar; 1 st l lemon juice. Cooking: put the protein into dry dishes, beat the mixer to white lush mass, add sainted sugar powder, beat a couple of minutes together, at the end of add lemon juice. For a thicker glaze, you can add more sugar powder. The glaze is applied to the cooled cake immediately after its preparation. Beautiful leaks are made by pushing the glaze to the edge of the scene with a spoon, they independently flow under the action of gravity.

Easter: The best ideas of decorations with flowers and recipe for a silence from Elena Parental

So, listening to the gentle notes that play my garden at this time, I am preparing for the spring.

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