5 ways to save their glasses if mechanical damage happened to them


5 ways to save their glasses if mechanical damage happened to them

Even today in the age of lenses, many people prefer to wear old good glasses. Unfortunately, this accessory has several drawbacks. They can break, they are loosened, fisted, and they need to be cleaned. All these problems can be solved in a couple of minutes with the help of breeding agents. If you know how.

1. Reliable meadows

Sing the hair dryer a little. / Photo: YouTube.com.

Sing the hair dryer a little.

Points constantly have to correct on the nose due to the fact that they are simpted down? The solution for this problem is actually incredible simple. It is enough to take a hair dryer and slightly "melting" hot air handles so that they bend down harder in inside. Now the glasses will sit tougher and not slip.

2. Napkin under clothes

We make a secret napkin. / Photo: YouTube.com.

We make a secret napkin.

It takes from time to time to wipe the lenses of points, and I don't want to wear a special handkerchief? Then you can even apply a small napkin on the lap of your shirt, which will be used specifically for these purposes. Places does not occupy, and most importantly - absolutely invisible for outsiders.

3. Consider a meadow

Tooth thread will help to associate parts. / Photo: YouTube.com.

Tooth thread will help to associate parts.

Having fallen off the heart of the glasses? It is not necessary to immediately run for new ones. You can take an ordinary dental thread and climb it through the place where the bolt cork has been sitting. The construction should turn out to be quite reliable in order for the glasses to be served for some time.

4. Missing glasses

Soap is the best tool. / Photo: YouTube.com.

Soap is the best tool.

Glasses began to foggle often? It is possible to solve this problem in just five minutes with the help of submitted means. It is enough to take soap and graze them the lenses of points on both sides, after which it is good to swing soap with a napkin, labeled and remove all surplus. After such a moisture on the glasses will no longer.

5. non-peeling glasses

To better sat. / Photo: YouTube.com.

To better sat.

Points constantly fall? Handles can be made even more reliable without any deformation. It is enough to take two gum and wind them in those places where the glasses are denser in contact with the skin. At first wearing such glasses will not be very familiar, but the design will be very reliable.

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