Soda on the garden and other useful tips


Soda on the garden and other useful tips

Tip 1: Soda in the garden Without food soda, it is generally difficult to imagine a modern garden. It seems that it helps everywhere and everywhere. If you grow in your summer cottage, you do not forget to make a slope with a solution of soda with a solution of soda with a varnium with a solution of soda with a varnium with a solution of soda-75 grams. Such a procedure protects grapes from gray rot, as well as increases the content of sugars in berries. In the same solution, you can spray all the fruit trees to combat leaf-making tracks.

Soda is one of the effective means of pulse dew. The solution of a teaspoon of soda in a liter of water is used for prophylactic spraying of cucumbers. Gooseberry and currants are treated with a complex means: 1 tbsp. Soda, 1 Tablet Aspirin, 1 tsp Tools for washing dishes or liquid soap, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil by 4.5 liters of water. Soda solution (1 tbsp. For 10 liters of water) watering cucumbers to prevent the premature yellowing of the leaves. To dare caterpillars, many gardeners sprinkle soda cabbage leaves.

Soda on the garden and other useful tips

Tip 2: Tips for gardeners, summer houses.

It is hardly a cottage where the currant bushes would not grow. True, the crop often leaves much to be desired. Some gardeners are confident that the bank of berries from the bush to the table is a good return. In fact, you can collect on the bucket from these plants. And then for several buckets! To receive solid yields from it:

Do not forget to water. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the season. But do not miss the three necessary irrigation. The first is at the end of flowering (approximately the first decade of June). The second - in the period of growing barring (the third decade of June).

The third - During the ripening of berries. Water consumption rate - 4 buckets on the bush.

In time to feed. Black currant per season requires four feeding. The first - as soon as the kidneys were blocked: 2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate for 10 liters of water. Consumption rate - 1 bucket on the bush. Second - in mid-June: 1 tablespoon of urea, 1.5 tbsp. Superphosphate and 0.5 tbsp. Spoons of potassium sulfate by 10 liters of water. Consumption rate - 1 bucket on the bush. Third - at the end of September - early October: 0.5 glasses of superphosphate and 2/3 cup of potassium sulfate on 1 bush. Fourth - at the end of October: 0.5 buckets of overwhelmed manure under the bush.

Cut extra branches. Most of all fruits in black currant matures on biennium and three-year-old escapes. Older give give less berries. Therefore, plants should be formed so that 3-4 annual escapes remain on the bush every year. And all that older than 6 years old must be cut. It is best to do this in the fall, when the leaves fall from the plants.

Spray with honey solution during flowering. Currant pollinate bees. And in order to attract them more, the plants should be sprayed with sweet water: 1 tbsp. Honey spoon dissolve 1 liters. Water and spray bushes.

What to feed the cherry.

Undercalinking in the spring - ash, in a liter can, on a damp soil, around the perimeter of the crown, 1 tablespoon of urea and 2 tablespoons of inhlorn potassium (when feeding chloride chloride will reset the leaves) by 10 l.Vod (at least 3-4 buckets on the plant) . Can be replaced with Potash Selutyra (2 tablespoons).

During intensive growth, barring should be sprayed on the leaves with a solution of trace elements. In addition, you need another liter ash bank for bone extension.

In the middle of August - 2 tablespoons of double granulated superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium per 10 hp (at least 4 buckets) and again a liter can of ash. Lithing ash can be replaced with 1 glass of dolomite.

Late in the fall, after resetting the leaves, you can make a pair of buckets of the organicists or pour feces, like Apricot.

How to remove weeds with beds forever (colleagues experience).

If you are June 18 to pick up all weeds from the garden, they will no longer grow up.

A unique recipe that will help get rid of flew on the cabbage!

Be sure to save this recipe on your page not to lose!

All summer you can fight the pests of cabbage, especially flea. Than just not "distilled" her: wormwood, onion, garlic, ash, tobacco. All in vain! They could not save cabbage, and she grown so-so, some kind of flawed. We began to find a different tool, like others saved cabbage. Once read, as one woman saves her cabbage. She told that the cabbage sprayed with 70% table vinegar: one spoon on 10 liters of water. We immediately stirred vinegar and handled cabbage. The same solution was sprayed with Redish, horseradish, radish and sorrel, trouser, turnip. And what is flea? How the wind blew. Now we know it is a faithful tool. Vinegar is not long. After spraying, they noticed that the butterflies of the Belyanka were afraid to sit on the cabbage, and they did not notice the tli there.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle without chemistry.

One pack of dry mustard las in a bucket of water, add 100 ml. Cutlery 9% vinegar mixed thoroughly and spray this mixture with a potato tops. Zhukov does not happen!

The Gardening Council, which are going to change the strawberry place.

In 10 liters of water (no metallic bucket), drop 15 drops of iodine, stir the wooden stick and water under each bush, pre-moisturizing the soil (after the rain or after good irrigation). At the same time, try not to enter with iodine mortar on the leaves. It is especially successful after the strawberry haircut. As a rule, after such treatment, the beetles for two years do not look at this territory.

Before planting strawberries, we are well treated with all the future plantation in such a solution. Today it was poured, and after three or four days you can safely plant. Then the roots burns will not be in the case of iodine overdose. Just want to warn: everything, like people, do not exceed the dose!

Soda on the garden and other useful tips

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