Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class


Fabric painting with natural dyes

For any fabric, especially woven manually, the best method of staining is the use of natural materials, such as herbs. Thanks to them, she acquires a natural, pleasant eye color. In the future, it can be used for embroidery and for sewing dolls, other toys, as well as outfits to them.

In addition, the painting by natural dyes is important in the manufacture of toys and dolls for children, so, boldly proceed to the study of azov home dyeing textiles! To do this, we will use painting plants.

Preparation of fabric to staining

You can collect coloring plants during the year, each - at that time when the number of dyes in it is the maximum:

  • Spring is suitable for collecting leaves, when they were completely revealed;
  • In the fall, it is worth digging the roots (or in spring a little earlier than the plants will begin to bloom);
  • Much can be assembled throughout the summer (leaves and stalks potatoes, horsetail, pizhms, etc.).

Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class

Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class
Pijma and Stems Tomatoes

Before painting the material, you need to wash it and give it to dry.

The extracted raw need to grind, put in water and boil. To further consolidate the "paint" on the canvas, the usual salt is suitable. Other options - "Propyers", which may even strengthen the resulting shade:

  • Alum - for coloring in light tones;
  • Copper vigorous - for dark flowers.

Dyeing tissues

how to paint the fabric at home

fix color with salt

After boiling the solution, it should be laid throughout the night, without removing plants - they will completely "give" color. After the raw material from the tank, it is necessary to remove entirely, and the resulting infusion is evaporated, strain and use for dyeing.

Painting fabric at home

how to paint the cloth

The more you take the container and plants for it, the evenly there will be painting on the fabric. However, it is possible to use a small capacity - an unevenly painted canvas can also be very peculiar and beautiful thanks to random divorce.

After the boiling point, the fabric should be in the infusion within an hour. Then, without removing it, it is necessary to cool the solution to cool. From how long the cloth in it is, the saturation of the final color depends. Those. You yourself can choose a color saturation, leaving the fabric to be a little or longer in the solution. Next, we need to rinse the cloth several times, last time by adding a couple of arts in water. Table vinegar - he will fix the coloring substance.

When you secure the color, rinse the cloth and it will dry, then keep in mind that the colors are a little flexible. The final result on dry tissue will be paler.

Paint material

Examples of results after using specific raw materials: Pijma, stems of tomatoes, chamber, wormwood, lukova husk and tea

Painting fabric herbs

Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class
Fabric after staining with chabrya and wormwood

Natural dyes for fabric

Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class
Fabric after staining with leaves and stems of tomatoes

Praying onion husk

Natural dyes

Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class
Fabric after staining onion husk

Natural dyes

Staining Fabric Grass: Master Class
Fabric after staining with black tea and angement

Toning fabric
General view of fabrics painted by natural dyes

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