Simple methods that will help forever protect metal objects from corrosion


Simple methods that will help forever protect metal objects from corrosion

Rust is an eternal problem that is familiar with all car owners and just those who are watching their home. Not only metals, as such, but also their diverse alloys are exposed to this detrimental process. Due to the actions of the local climate, corrosion can actually destroy the metal product. This in turn is fraught with serious problems.

Matchast: Why do you need protection

It is fraught with serious consequences. / Photo:

It is fraught with serious consequences.

The consequences of rust may have far-reaching consequences. If the corrosion process began, then with each month and year it will become only more detailing. As a result, the rust can cause a reduction in the efficiency of metal structures, contamination of products, withdrawal equipment and mechanisms, permits, and most importantly - to huge financial losses.

In order for all this not happened, I need protection against corrosion.

1. Anticorrosion coatings

Protection is very important. / Photo:

Protection is very important.

When choosing a tool, it should be borne in mind that it should have a high level of adhesion, high hardness and wear resistance, to give the maximum fencing against the negative environmental impact, and also have the same (or close) with a metal expansion of thermal expansion.

2. Non-metallic coating

The easiest way. / Photo:

The easiest way.

Creating a paintwork is a great way to protect the metal. Its main advantage is the economy and ease of restoration of the protective layer. It is also important that it is always preserved the opportunity to choose a colors to taste. However, the method is not devoid of flaws. Most often, paints and varnish coatings have weak resistance to moisture and temperature, not to mention the mechanical impact.

3. Non-metallic inorganic coating

Advanced protection. / Photo:

Advanced protection.

One of the most effective ways to protect the material. The essence of the method is reduced to creating a protective film on a metal structure. For this, the metal is covered with oxide or phosphate film. The first is applied if the object's geometry needs to be left "untouched". This method is used, for example, when protecting weapons and accurate devices. The second film is created by lowering the product into a zinc solution or manganese with sour salts. After that, such a product can also be painted.

4. Electrochemical protection

Methods are used. / Photo:

Methods are used.

This method of protection against corrosion exposure is used only if the metal is subjected to polarization. This type of protection is two types - cathode and anode. The first is used for alloys with iron content. The protection method is reduced to connecting the product to the cathode projector. The second type of protection for cleaning and is achieved by connecting the rusty product to the current source.

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